Income disparity in dating

There’s a difference between being reasonably frugal and being miserly.

Someone who makes $840,000 USD per year posting online for advice about where to buy bulk apple cider vinegar because $150 NT/bottle ($5.25 US) is “insane”? This goes way beyond frugality.

You’re in the top 1% in the US with a salary above around $550,000/year. The OP says he’s well beyond that. He’s not “rich” because he’s shaving a buck off a few bottles of apple cider vinegar. He’s losing money spending 5 minutes of his very valuable time on this.

Also, the OP had also posted “I need to find an accountant for this year” and apparently moved here before he knew how to deal with income sourcing.

$840,000/year and you don’t have an accountant and don’t know how to protect your foreign-sourced income from improper taxation?

I’m going out on a very short limb here and saying this is either a really bad case of OCD or an exaggeration. It’s not about an income disparity.