Indigenous Women and Dating

Wow, at last an on-topic reply.

What’s your expert analysis on the topic?

I believe the following song and video influenced, or perhaps inspired the video game “Detention,” which was developed the following year, and has now been produced as a movie.

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The original thread title was something like “Aboriginal girls are unique, what’s it’s like dating one?” or something along those lines. And I thought hey that’s kinda contradictory there with the ‘unique’ + categorization.

As for my analysis, of the dating, it was chaotic, due to both our personalities, we parted on friendly terms and stayed in contact for a couple of years. That’s all really.

OK. Thanks.

I owe an apology, because I mistook “I dated an aboriginal girl once,” as having had one date with an aboriginal girl.

I’m not an American English native speaker.

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So were my wife’s parents. She asked her father if he was okay with her marrying a foreign white guy and he said “You can marry anybody you want”
“Of course, as long as he’s not Taiwanese.”
Alas, prejudice works both (all?) ways.


If things develop into a more serious boyfriend-girlfriend relationship or even marriage, in my experience, most westerners actually enjoy this aspect of an aboriginal significant other. At first, you have no idea what’s going on because you probably met in the city and of course this isn’t taught where you grew up. In this initial stage, you’re probably just simply intrigued by this whole different world that you have gotten a little glimpse of. Probably at a harvest festival type of experience.


Then as time passes, you see no reason why you shouldn’t participate in some way. Certainly nobody is excluding you. And so this kind of thing happens with us westerners over time (again in my experience). Some crazy guys end up studying the language and can sing several songs in the aboriginal language of their girlfriend or wife.


Is that you, @marasan? :grin:

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Yes. I didn’t shave my legs so I’m a bit shy about the pic.


OK…looks like you were more embarrassed about your face. :sunglasses:


Some aborigine girls are very cute !!


I have one friend who married an Aboriginal girl. He tells me they took him up into the mountains and have a big ceremony and made him a chief.

Maybe he just didn’t understand everything.

They also asked him to rap because he is black but he doesn’t do that.


Please don’t tell me he can’t play basketball either. I’m part Korean and I couldn’t name a single K pop sing. And I’m part Irish and…never mind. I can drink.


His future wife asked him why he didn’t wear a basketball shirt with a number and gold chains.

I guess that aboriginal have their tribes and clothes and she thought western black people wear basketball shirts and gold chain.


Fair assumption in her case. My dad said when he first landed on the rock in the fifties people asked him what he did with his horse? They thought all Americans were cowboys. Lots of westerns showing at that time in the movies.


So what did he do with his horse? :thinking:


He parked it at the Seven I think.

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FIFY :grin:

I like them, thanks for the link.

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I prefer Parked because well he doesn’t have a horse , that would be my hint,which you missed you English teacher you :grin:

Do I look like an English teacher to you, punk?
