Informative vs Satirical filter on replies

Sometimes I’ll click on a thread about an informative topic, for example coronavirus and because of all the satirical replies, it often takes twice as long to read the actual informative ones. Obviously, satirical replies have a place on this forum but I wish a system could be implemented to filter out satirical replies, for when you are just looking for information, and not a laugh.

I would do this by having a check box on all replies, so that certain privileged users can mark a reply as either informative or satirical. Then, all users could set a filter to either show all replies, only informative, or only satirical.

What do you think?

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You’re confusing “satirical” with “sarcastic” and “off-topic”.

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In that case, perhaps three options:

  1. All
  2. Informative
  3. Off topic

or both


Who determine what’s off topic or sarcastic? One persons shi* might be another person’s gold.

Anyway this isn’t Wikipedia this is the place to talk talk talk

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I think who suggested this first could volunteer for the task.

There is an option ALL for who don’t trust the judging protocol.

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There is an option ALL for who don’t trust the judging protocol.

Great as long as we can select the options to still receive everything then no worries.

I think we all get tired of things that are useless to us individually but hey that’s part of the game


I just shout at people who start messing up my threads.
Works sometimes…Other times no. That’s life.

How could it possibly be done? If anyone wants to hear what they want to hear then the only solution is to start a blog and exclude people.

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