Introducing Forumosa Dark Mode

Go to your top right icon/Namahottie/Preferences/Interface choose Dark in the Theme window and hit the Save Changes button at bottom, and all will be revealed

My screen went black. Sorry, but seriously I don’t get it.

It is what it is! It’s a Dark mode. It just makes everything dark. Some people have requested it and like it that way, it’s kind of a common option in a lot of software now. It improves usability in dark conditions on mobile devices, for one thing.

Whew. You don’t have to get mad about my asking. I said forgive me and sorry.

Who got mad? Not me! I was just explaining it


I’m serious, I’m not mad at all :slight_smile: Was it the “It is what it is!” I just like saying that loud. It is what it is! Also, explaining these odd quirks of Forumosa to people brings me joy

!!! < Seemed like being pissed. Chock it up to projection and let’s move on. LOL.

Congrats on getting dark mode out into the light of the Flob. :clap:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4:

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On phone. Could we have a screenshot of the setting on the Android App? Can’t seem to find it


Not everybody has “Namahottie/Preferences/Interface” for an option.


I use dark mode for virtually every website and app that uses it…and this is the first that I’ve seen that I seriously don’t like though I have no idea why.

Explaining that in any greater depth would not bring me joy :slight_smile:

Well, if you have any suggestions, shoot. I’d be happy to tinker

I think there are just a lot of different elements in Discourse like numbers, icons etc. in a small space, esp. on mobile, and the effect can be a bit clashing.

I don’t know - I changed back but will try it on a larger monitor later and see what it looks like. I felt that the blue was popping out at me in a manner that no color does in the standard template and I was actually squinting a bit to use it. Your work is appreciated - if I find something that I think would be good to try, I will certainly let you know.

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How could CHM Tech forget about Forumosa?

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But we’re not an app – we’re a website! :grandpa:

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My other dark modes that are comfortable on the eyes use less black as background. Seems to be more of a grey.

Like this.

And this.

My chrome header changes color to nearly full black when loading forumosa.

By the way, the very top of the screen still retains the regular Forumosa color.


As far as the light mode goes, when are we removing the 1990s nursing home pale apricot background ?
