Introducing Forumosa Dark Mode

I get this in Chrome/Android


Yeah, Firefox doesn’t have that feature yet. I guess i’ll be sending them suggestions too.

Edit: That Taiwan Everything ad is now a permanent site fixture. Jokes.

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Neither did mine.
How did you fix yours?

BTW, thanks for the fast change!

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There’s something else strange too…
After choosing the dark theme and returning to the thread, if I go to the settings page it returns automatically to the classic theme, even if I don’t direct anything.
Shouldn’t the change be permanent?

Maybe you had another window open to the settings page somewhere? That happened to me too

Might have been same issue.

Ooh I likes this. Well done people.

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Also you have to click the Save Changes button at the bottom.

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That was it. It fixed both issues!

I find that type of language offensive. I should flag this post.

Awesome, thank you! This will help people with OLED equipped mobile devices (like many Samsung phones) save quite a bit of battery power.

Can we now please have “Forumosa after dark” back? If anyone still remembers :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I found that those who have uploaded an avatar in PNG with transparency might find poor contrast in dark mode if their avatar contains dark elements. @GooseEgg, @Steve4nLanguage come to mind.

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I like the dark mode. I would like it a little more with a little bit less green and a little bit more blue but not more neon blue.

I think switching the numbers of comments color with the topic title would even make it better. Just not quite so neon.

Can you make the F in the corner the original ugly vomit brown for continuity.

Dark mode doesn’t mean dark with glaring blaring neon colors.

Reddit for example. Still mostly black and white.


Why is one number orange and one number blue when I have read all of both of them pollution and wack?

Orange should probably be a highlight for those unread.


it’s really hard to identify what’s going on in dark mode.

Is it a Formosa thing or not a Formosa thing?

Isn’t the color difference to indicate exceptionally popular threads?

I don’t know… it’s just hard on the eyes and hard visual.

I’ve been on a dark mode with Android for like a year and then Formosa does dark mode and it’s hard on the eyes.

Don’t try to be like radically different, be a little bit different. Why try to be something crazy different in the world there’s no reason.

Go with some kind of standard international standards especially things that people can look at and understand and enjoy and accept and subconsciously be drawn to.

I don’t understand… it’s not rocket science. Make it beautiful for us that use it and for anybody else that may drop in and want to use it.

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That can be subjective, for example, I chose the alternate logo because I found it aesthetically more pleasing. Any other opinions about it from Dark mode users? @Marco? @RickRoll?

I think the orange and blue in those numbers reflects the current “heat” of the thread response-wise. I’d have to look it up to be exactly sure. Anyway, I don’t like that either, but when I set it up it seemed that those colors are standard across Discourse and can’t be changed. Some of the elements are like that. If there’s any other particular elements you can point to, please do and I’ll take a look at them

I’ve being used Forumosa Dark Mode since it was available and kind of got used to it.
@tango42 do have some valid points that could improve the design a bit.



Here I don’t agree.
I like how the dark version of the logo integrates with the rest of the design. Perhaps the border didn’t need to be so bright and could be more blue-ish (like the one used on the users name). But it definitely matches more to dark mode than the original one.

I prefer the inverted logo over the brown one TBH.


Forgive me… What’s the difference?