IP vs. "Crossfire"--what's up with that?

Well. That’s something new to look forward to. Perhaps maybe the sky shall fall on our heads as well…

Here’s how things are evolving:

International Politics Forum: Forumosa’s International Politics Forum is for thoughtful, considered, and polite political discussion. We ask commenters to avoid offensive language, and irrelevance. As a general rule of thumb, if you feel your comments would not be published in the “Letters to the Editor” section of a mainstream media outlet, like the Economist or the New York Times, they’re probably not appropriate for Forumosa’s International Politics Forum. People looking for a place to engage in more “heated” discussion, post snappy comebacks, quoted articles, or witty pictures are asked to post in a relevant thread in IP’s subforum, Crossfire, where these elements are tolerated. If a relevant thread doesn’t exist, feel free to start a new topic.

Crossfire: Crossfire is the place for boisterous political discussion, but please remember, the Rules still apply, especially with regards to Personal Attacks. These and other inappropriate posts will be removed without notification. If you’re looking for a more genteel politics forum, you are invited to post in the International Politics forum, but be advised - posters will be held to a higher standard there!

[quote=“Maoman”]Here’s how things are evolving:

International Politics Forum: Forumosa’s International Politics Forum is for thoughtful, considered, and polite political discussion. We ask commenters to avoid offensive language, and irrelevance. As a general rule of thumb, if you feel your comments would not be published in the “Letters to the Editor” section of a mainstream media outlet, like the Economist or the New York Times, they’re probably not appropriate for Forumosa’s International Politics Forum. People looking for a place to engage in more “heated” discussion, post snappy comebacks, quoted articles, or witty pictures are asked to post in a relevant thread in IP’s subforum, Crossfire, where these elements are tolerated. If a relevant thread doesn’t exist, feel free to start a new topic.

Things most certainly are not evolving in that manner. It is impossible to tell any difference between the politeness or general level of discussion in the two forums. Have you actually read through any of the threads in IP forum?
Most of the posts would get nowhere near the “Letters to the Editor” section of a mainstream media outlet.
Why not just get rid of this pointless division, which only makes site navigation more difficult?

[quote=“Mawvellous”][quote=“Maoman”]Here’s how things are evolving:

International Politics Forum: Forumosa’s International Politics Forum is for thoughtful, considered, and polite political discussion. We ask commenters to avoid offensive language, and irrelevance. As a general rule of thumb, if you feel your comments would not be published in the “Letters to the Editor” section of a mainstream media outlet, like the Economist or the New York Times, they’re probably not appropriate for Forumosa’s International Politics Forum. People looking for a place to engage in more “heated” discussion, post snappy comebacks, quoted articles, or witty pictures are asked to post in a relevant thread in IP’s subforum, Crossfire, where these elements are tolerated. If a relevant thread doesn’t exist, feel free to start a new topic.

Things most certainly are not evolving in that manner.[/quote]
Right, sorry - that is to say, that is how things are evolving in terms of how we think things should be. Forums moderated by “squeal” only, as they were before the division, make for messy, gnarly, forums, forums that many people, including me wouldn’t post in very often.

Any constructive suggestions on how we should be further distinguishing the two forums?

Right, sorry - that is to say, that is how things are evolving in terms of how we think things should be. Forums moderated by “squeal” only, as they were before the division, make for messy, gnarly, forums, forums that many people, including me wouldn’t post in very often.

Any constructive suggestions on how we should be further distinguishing the two forums?[/quote]

Well, you would have to moderate the regular IP forum more carefully, and move posts that do not meet the required standards over to Crossfire. To be honest, the two forums look exactly the same in terms of content and tone right now-look at the Proposition 8 thread for example.

But you will always be fighting an uphill battle, political discussion gets heated very easily. It’s hard to see how you could keep discussion to a polite exchange of views like the letters page of a newspaper without some draconian wielding of moderator power.

Like a letters page? That would mean you’d need to have people submit their posts to a moderator before they could be published – edited for length, style and such. Sounds like a pain the arse to me.
People don’t write carefully composed, concise letters to the editor. They write their pet rants, usually. The better ones get picked up, tidied up – sometimes extensively – before they’re printed. I can’t imagine that’s what you’re suggesting.

No, this is what I mean: As a general rule of thumb, if you feel your comments would not be published in the “Letters to the Editor” section of a mainstream media outlet, like the Economist or the New York Times, they’re probably not appropriate for Forumosa’s International Politics Forum.

Well, I’m fairly sure that pretty much EVERYONE who submits a letter to editor of either of those publications feels its worthy of publication – otherwise, why would they bother? The fact of the matter, however, is that only a tiny percentage ARE suitable. Yet you’re asking these guys to somehow transcend this before they post? Sounds unlikely to me, that’s all.

No, this is what I mean: As a general rule of thumb, if you feel your comments would not be published in the “Letters to the Editor” section of a mainstream media outlet, like the Economist or the New York Times, they’re probably not appropriate for Forumosa’s International Politics Forum.[/quote]

Anything goes in the International Politics forum, there is absolutely no difference in tone or content with Crossfire.
Just take for example this thread in IP discussing Palin’s breasts.

My advice, either you enforce the standards you have set for IP, or you abandon the whole “Crossfire” experiment.

[quote=“Mawvellous”]Anything goes in the International Politics forum, there is absolutely no difference in tone or content with Crossfire.
Just take for example this thread in IP discussing Palin’s breasts.

My advice, either you enforce the standards you have set for IP, or you abandon the whole “Crossfire” experiment.[/quote]
You’re absolutely right. That thread should never have been posted in IP to begin with. We definitely need to step up the moderating.