Is 9 NTD mil enough to buy an apartment in Taipei and obtain a permanent visa?

You could try to buy that apt for what they want but there is obviously some major issue with it (possibly ownership dispute ) or they are trying to pull in buyers interest and will later do an auction for it. No way a 29 ping apt is going for that price in DAAN.

By the way when they are selling 2nd hand cars in Taiwan they do exactly the same thing.
You go there and the ‘bargain’ car has suddenly been sold or whatever and then the agent tries to get you buy another car .


It is suspiciously cheap for something in Da An District, even though it’s a top-floor walk-up in a nearly 50 year old building…

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Yes it’s a top floor walk-up which I also noted. It could be a Jia Gai and probably other issues.
It said there is no 地平 with it as well …Is that common ?

Now the link won’t open for me.

It may also be one of those units where someone died in it, and so most Taiwanese are too superstitious to want to have anything to do with it

Yeah, it looks kind of…fucked up.

Still wouldn’t be even close to that price. It’s DaAn believe me there are thousands of families that want to move there because of the schools.

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My apologies to OP , I hope you don’t mind that I changed the title to 'IS from ARE "/ It was upsetting the grammar boys :grinning: Something I am guilty of frequently

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Only the building is for sale. That’s what 地上權 (above ground rights) means. You won’t be owning the land.


Can I ask, what’s the significance of this monthly earning? Like, is it some kind of criteria for Visa’s?

Yes, there’s a Gold Card visa that allows you to get in should you earn 160k NTD+

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To be honest my suggestion is skip Taiwan entirely. There will be a lot more going on in Thailand for you. You can easily get a very decent 2BDR place for 4-5m THB.


Work permit for professionals, the gold card.

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So the criteria to qualify is to earn 160k in Taiwan or in the home country?

I don’t get it because if you satisfy this criteria, then move to Taiwan and earn less money, what good does this do for the Taiwanese government?

Search gold card here.

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9 million is enough to buy an apartment in New Taipei City, Taoyuan, Taichung, etc…just not Taipei.

However, unlike other countries -especially developing ones- buying real estate does not guarantee residence.

Hence people’s suggestions to look into the Gold Card scheme for residence. Other options include finding a job, keeping it for 5 years and then applying for permanent residence.


So many possibilities with this one. I will refrain myself.

Oh dear. Fixed.

Well, if he’s a golf champion even citizenship is in the cards. :rofl:


$4500Aud a month? Not even close. You would have to be a section manager and work overtime. Most people working in places equivalent to Carrefour in Australia are part time casual. They earn a bit more than unemployment benefits. Full time staff would only make a bit over $3000 gross a month.