Is dating hard for East Asian guys in the West?

Lots of money, steroids and protein powder cost a lot, plus all the extra food :wink:

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It doesn’t sound like you have anything to be insecure about here. I mean, she chose you, right? Lots of women in Taiwan who like “foreign cultures” prefer Japanese men to Western men anyway.


and the gym subscription, maybe even pay for a private trainer…


Yes, if he is a beginner I would recommend getting a PT, yes it is expensive.

But man, go to gym 3 months, get a PT, learn how to eat and train, then one cycle with a good combination, you will complain next time: Damn, I don’t want to be a pus* magnet anymore.


“Unattainable” might be an overstatement. There are plenty of Asian guys, some on Forumosa, with attractive white spouses. Also, most Asian men can get someone in Ukraine, and about every third Ukrainian woman is a model.

Here are the headwinds facing Asian men:
Own fault:

  1. Raised too needy, not independent enough. Some live with their parents into adulthood.
  2. No confidence to approach women, signaling to non-Asian women you’re not interested in dating outside the race.

External factors:

  1. Hollywood completely emasculates Asian men, shuts them out of the romantic imagination.
  2. The US has a race-based hierarchy that amplify the disadvantages (less pronounced in classist Europe).

I think men should stop watching porn. It’s messing with our heads with the way it’s designed these days to hook you. Especially true if you’re a guy that’s not getting laid. It kills your motivation to get real women.


The BBC’s really going downmarket.

Pretty much everything this professor is saying sounds like garbage SJW nonsense that’s passing for “education” on American campuses these days.

I mean the guy says that “we know” an Asian man has to make $247,000 more than a white man to be as attractive as the white man on dating apps but most dating apps don’t ask users to disclose their income in the first place.

Frankly, I don’t even see how you could design a valid study that could determine this. My guess is that his claim is backed by some dubious “study” penned by a SJW colleague with a racial agenda.

Given that $247,000 is way above what most Americans make, the claim seems farcical on its face.

Johnny Sins my man!

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Oh brother not this again. They obviously used an app or website that requires you to state your income, Ike Sugar Daddy or Miss Travel.

You would note that it’s not just make $247,000 annually. It’s that an Asian guy would need to make $247,000 more than a white man of equal attractiveness to be worth the same on the dating market.

The $247,000 number is from a 2008 study from Columbia:

It’s a bit before dating apps became big. It’s a study mostly based on the old dating websites.

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Yeah these studies are BS.

Yeah, because Sugar Daddy and Miss Travel represent the “dating market”. :roll_eyes:

Hint: if you’re an Asian man who wants to pay to get laid, it won’t cost you an extra 6 figures.

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The researchers, after controlling for all other attributes (height, weight, attractiveness, etc.), calculated how much extra income (relative to the income of the average online male dater, $62,500) a man would need to overcome the racial barrier. Here are some of the estimates (there weren’t enough data to do all the interracial permutations) of how much each extra income a man would need to be equally appealing to a woman as would a man of her own race:

For equal success with an African-American woman, a Hispanic man needs to earn an extra $184,000; a white man needs to earn an additional $220,000.

For equal success with a white woman, an African-American needs to earn an additional $154,000; a Hispanic man needs $77,000; an Asian needs $247,000.

For equal success with a Hispanic woman, an African-American man needs to earn an additional $30,000; a white man needs to earn an additional $59,000.

For equal success with an Asian woman, an African-American needs no additional income; a white man needs $24,000 less than average; a Hispanic man needs $28,000 more than average.

Based on the paper itself, Asian guy needs to make more compared to the average, not to the average white guy.

Whether you agree with the studies or not, I’d rather see some studies that quantifies the phenomenon, otherwise there’s no basis for further discussion.

Other than him being really irritating I couldn’t work out what he was teaching. He’s clearly a popular professor, but what was the point of the lecture? He just kept banging on about the 247k figure.

To be honest I didn’t make it to the end, so I assume he was leading up to some conclusion about Hollywood stereotypes or something.

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This study involved 412 subjects all at Columbia University who participated in 17 speed dating events held in 2002-2004. A professor unequivocally telling his students that Asian males need to make $247,000 more than a white man for “equal success” with white women based on this “study” is an idiot.

I’m surprised the SJW community didn’t lash out at these “researchers” for claiming that women are whores.

How does the study suggest that? It simply points out most people would rather choose within their ethnic group, and to break that barrier, usually you would have to be doing really well.

Isn’t it obvious? By quantifying how much “extra” a man of a particular race needs to earn to have “equal success”, it directly suggests that a woman’s interest can be bought.

Maybe that’s true but it’s certainly not the politically correct thing to say.

The ordinal results are consistent with studies like the Tinder and OkCupid study that don’t measure income.

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this is a more recent study from Cornell. Same qualitative results.

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