Is electronify a word?

…you know, if you aren’t into the whole brevity thing

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it’s now officially raccoon season.

well, in NY state anyway (so maybe this benefits TempoGain?) Watch your back!


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I’m sure there’s a website for that. Best ask Mad-Masala.

In Jersey, Rocket gets a break on Sunday Evenings, I wonder why that is.

“Perfect for a Sunday dinner”

Define evening. Anyways, the ‘day of the lord’?

I really don’t know.
But look at the list I posted. Some animals get the full day off and some only have Sunday evening. I guess only Jersey lawmakers would know.

Maybe to ensure that the Sunday meal is not actually shot on a Sunday? Probably reduces the number of hunters out there at any one time. Less chance of getting varmint shot up yer date.

Actually, many many states disallow Sunday hunting. Except Virginia, where you can hunt raccoon and fowl on Sunday.

@Rocket, what sort of shocking kompromat could my esteemed colleague have on you to make you reluctant to call out this horrible instance of :astonished: name-calling!?

It is well known (in some circles, evidently not extending to aliens) that Aussies reserve the worst insults for their best friends.

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Yeah, not buying it (I mean in this case – not Aussies in general). When you’re ready to sell the whatever-it-is tape, give me a shout. :smiling_imp:

no shortage of kompromat on old Rocket, of course. You just need a long memory.

Are we talking Moscow-hotel-room level stuff, or is it more like New-Yorker-Zoom-meeting level? :bed: :eggplant: :thinking: