Is Taiwan in danger of a Chinese invasion?

Ok CSB really done it… he’s going around saying he wants to join the UN under Taiwan, changed a bunch of names like the airport, passports, and etc. and basically telling everyone that we want to be “independent” and causing a lot of confusion. I feel like CSB is basically taunting China and like he wants China to invade or something. I dont know what is A bien’s plan but it seems like he wants China to invade so he won’t have to answer to the charges that are brought against him. I mean rest of Taiwan falls into war while A bien takes a plane out…

What should I do? should I plan to leave Taiwan by whatever means or something? A bien is basically pissing off a bunch of officials in the US…

Oh my God, we’re all going to DIE !!!

This is completely different from the last six years. Quick–help me memorize the Three Represents, so I can ingratiate myself with the new regime.

I am shocked, shocked to learn that a government official has behaved underhandedly, and / or angered others through his political stances.

He should have just said YES to the Olympic torch!

Is Taiwan in danger of invasion? Yes, by hordes of unemployed people from North America.

Don’t be silly. China is just a figment of everyone’s imagination. Chen is stirring the political pot as usual for the elections.

Base on DPP prediction that’s not suppose to happen till after the Olympics…
You know vote DPP because they have the military experience to repell a PRC invasion…

thank god they don’t have it. The other guys who have experience in repelling the PLA where repelled to Taiwan…

A bit off-topic, but what happened to the torch? Taiwan simply won’t get it?

On topic, it’s funny but in the couple of years I’ve been here I feel that recently, a lot is happening that may be reason for invasion. The olympics are like a safety pin. A Bian knows that. It’s only for this that China will exercise self control, but it’s a risk…

Can someone predict the likely-to-be-bombed spots?

Yes. April 16, 2014. Be Prepared!

“Can someone predict the likely-to-be-bombed spots?”
Well let’s see, they have 1000 and counting.
Taipei - say 20
Kaoshiung - say 20
Taichung - say 20
say they’ve seen pictures of Sun Moon Lake - say 0.
Anyone from the Vietnam War era will know the term “carpet bomb”.

the depth of your lack of understanding is actually quite impressive. China is exercising self control because it stands to get everything it wants in time without the risks–really stunning risks in this particular instance–inherent in military operations. china doesn’t like the idea of referendums on taiwan’s status and will always protest, the us doesn’t like the boat being rocked for no perceivable reason. chen and his administration don’t have the guts, the ability, the mandate, the support or the power to do anything but make random “taiwan” gurgling noises, nor the intelligence to do anything else. everyone knows this. the situation here always bears watching but this point in time doesn’t look much different than any other. the key event now is of course not the olympics but the next pres. election here. absolutely no reason for any bets to be made until then.

Cool - that’s Gustav’s Birthday! :rainbow:

Yes, they’re scattered throughout the country. There is a massive network of sleeper commie infiltrators posing as pigeon fanciers. The pilots will be guided by these guys standing on their roofs signaling with flags. It’s a cunning plan; low tech, but simple and effective. So, basically, if you live near a rooftop pigeon coup, you are probably quite close to a bombing or paratrooper drop target.

Yes, they’re scattered throughout the country. There is a massive network of sleeper commie infiltrators posing as pigeon fanciers. The pilots will be guided by these guys standing on their roofs signaling with flags. It’s a cunning plan; low tech, but simple and effective. So, basically, if you live near a rooftop pigeon coup, you are probably quite close to a bombing or paratrooper drop target.[/quote]

I predict the Guangfu Sugar Factory in Hualien. The Americans bombed it in WWII, so the Chinese will not want to be seen lacking. Too bad. All that delicious ice cream up in smoke.

“©hen and his administration don’t have the guts, the ability, the mandate,
the support or the power to do anything but make
random “taiwan” gurgling noises, nor the intelligence to do anything else.
everyone knows this.”
-and people ask me - “How do you use a degree in Philosophy?”
I recognize - reductio ad absurdum!

[quote=“ccpcannonfodder”]“©hen and his administration don’t have the guts, the ability, the mandate,
the support or the power to do anything but make
random “taiwan” gurgling noises, nor the intelligence to do anything else.
everyone knows this.”
-and people ask me - “How do you use a degree in Philosophy?”
I recognize - reductio ad absurdum![/quote]

no, i said exactly what I meant, even an idiot could be smart enough to try to at least put a lid on his gurgling.

The most likely scenarios that’ll happen to Taiwan politics in the next 2 year;

  1. Taiwan declare self independence
  2. China unsurprisingly restrain from invasion as a result of grave provocation
  3. No other countries rush in to recognise Taiwan. In fact, 2 of the current allies
    fall back to China’s camp.
  4. The world condemn Taiwan for its unilateral changes to the status quo
  5. Come election, CSB and his DPP regime are overthrown by a hugh majority of Taiwanese
  6. KMT leads Taiwan again.
  7. CSB is indicted for corruption but suspended of 1 year jail sentence. Both CSB and Wu left Taiwan, vowing never to return.
  8. The sound of independence just dies away.
  9. Life and Business (minus the nuisance rhetorics inflicted Taiwan) goes on as usual (mr boogie will get his money back on his few properties that he invested in Taiwan, ccpfolder will continue to write his ‘reductio ad absurdum’ in vain).

“even an idiot could be smart enough
to try to at least put a lid on his gurgling”
-an attempt at reverse logic to say you’re not an idiot?
"6. KMT leads Taiwan again. "
-such an oxymoron that …
God knows what.
" ccpfolder will continue to write his ‘reductio ad absurdum’ in vain "
-when the new White Terror starts - this time with the help of
the PLA - I’ll be in front of the firing squad for pointing out that
Mao is responsible for the death of more Chinese that the Japanese.

I was wondering when the rush of “Yeah, I’ll be out there on the front lines fighting the commies” comments from foreigners would start.

ccp, even Chiang killed more than the Japanese, and we don’t understand how they can be loved… speak about self-inflicted pain…

Well, and how about you citizens? (Don’t get me wrong – a military conflict involving Taiwan is the last thing I’d ever want to see. But it would be interesting to get your take on this if you care to share it.)