Is Taiwan racist?

Christians had their crusades, but not anymore, so they are not a danger in regards this area and they are currently at a much lower danger level than Muslims. Muslims on the other hand had always been dangerous because their core of religion is deadly violent. Is today´s moderate Muslims who have deviated greatly from the original Muslims, who spreaded quickly due to its violent approach. The Koran explains the Life of the Prohet Mahoma (if he would have been killed just right after birth the world would be a much better place) and his trips to Medina and the Meca. In the Meca he talked about peace, but in Medina he talked about violence as a way to convert infidels. Aside of this in practical world today you can see what happens around the world in Muslim communities, they either hate each other (Shias and Sunies) or hate Jews, Christians, Wetern World, etc… They are just haters by Nature.
As for what you say about migrants paying more taxes and getting more services, this might well be true in Taiwan and other racist nationalist countries like much of Asia and of course Muslim countries, but not in western countries. There the rich pays more and uses less and the migrants get free salaries, free housing, free doctors free food and simply dont pay taxes.