Is Taiwan racist?

I don´t deal well with racism and even though many don´t show it, with the ones that do yes I get in a confrontation vibe.
I see that no one doubts the issues that I said: “racism is well around and fomented by the media (banana incident, me dealing with locals in Taitung, etc…), police is either useless or corrupted, society is racist and you will be a second class citizen no matter what because of your ethnicity, etc… (The media is clearly to me on a mission to bring hate towards foreigners while ramping nationalist spirits.)”
These are some very strong allegations that make any place a shit hole for at least the discriminated parties. Some places in Taiwan are very nice (especially when no racist around) like the big mountains and big trees in the middle of Taiwan or like the Hawaian views that one can enjoy when surfing in some places by the east coast (nothing on the west coast is worth mentioning due to pollution), but when living with racism and discrimination even the good places fade away. Everyone deals with racism in their own way, but I cannot take it.

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