Is Taiwan racist?

Racist? Naive and ignorance are strong here.


Calm your tits and chill your passive aggressive obsession with me. If you have something you want to get off chest, PM is there for you. You’ve been coming on me sideways in every thread , say what you want like a man for once.

I just said what I’ve witness as true. It’s not some complaint whining and I would not have been from the US. I got very few complaints for myself going to any country but that’s not the experience of most people

You talk smack about Chinese. That’s all.

And I agree and have said that many times if not in this thread. But idk man, I visited my buddy from Mississippi in this small town, his sisters husband openly admits that he’s a local klan member drunk and pulled out his klan card. I think it took him a few sencond to realized I was there and laughed at the end of the sentence saying something like but Asians are ok looking at me after a long nasty rant. Really awkward trip.

I felt similar in many places in parts of the south. Like major cities in the south, for sure. But get out the major cities, I don’t feel good at all

Has the Chinese done anything that I would praise them for recently? Why do you think I would talk smack. Am I losing it and that it’s completely unfounded?

I dunno, why dont you go ask them, all of them.

I didn’t know that, and also don’t know how trustable this statistics is, though its interesting.

I also lived there as foreigner, and I agree they give more rights to immigrants and Taiwan should do so too. Though, I never think US is less racist than taiwan. Maybe we had different experiments in different societies with different people.

I don’t argue that the police is corrupted part. Though, you said their attitude changed at some point, and you guessed that is because they know some of the criminals. Do you think if you are a taiwanese with no connectioconnection,problem the police did different things?

I met and talk to enough of them to know the general consensus.

Offending the feelings of the Chinese people basically gets what I got with you lol

That could just as well happen in rural Indiana or Ohio.

My point is historical. Who settled large parts of the South? Minorities. Whether Huguenots, Spanish, Creoles, etc. Slavery was evil, but I would argue wage slavery in the North was just as bad. Let us not remember the North was originally settled by religious nuts (Puritans) while the aristocrats and landowners went South. The South is a lot more tolerant and was during the Civil War era where two cabinet ministers and numerous senators were Jewish. Thinking that racism continues to be endemic there is just plain incorrect. Pockets of ignorance everywhere but overall there is not the level of segregation as there are in urban ghettos of the North.

Nacho just get out of Taiwan, really is not worth it. All Asians countries are racist, with laws in place, laws being enforced to make a life of immigrant harder. I can imagine what you going trough and sure you are full of hate. Is normal. I have been there. I have hard experience with taiwanese too, and believe me, only thing you can do is move on. You have no kids with your girl? Just leave her, when she does not want to move with you. If she does not understand why you have to move, well then she is not wife material anyway and you giving yourself a huge favor in long run

Is basically either you accept it, how taiwan is, keep a low profile, or move on. Going into open conflict will just backfire. You are no one in Taiwan, just little annoying foreign bug. You have to play by chinese rules - which basically means being polite, nice in conversation, give people face, do fake harmony and than do conspiracy behind their back, and use connection to strengthen your position . In chinese world is all about strength, connections, money.

Family of my ex, got idea, they can get my son after divorce.My own son with my surname. They think they can do that, cause having money. They said cause is my wish to divorce, ex being over 30s, she is too old to remarry. Even she is emotional unstable (put it nicely), they wanted she raising up kiddo in Taiwan. Am not a western, coming from east europe, we have own ways of doing things too. Soon my ex family realized is really not good idea to take my son away from me and my family… I do feel sorry things went so dirty, but those people only understand power.

In the end of day, taiwanese are just one flavor of chinese people.


I agree with you on most your points. But from my own experience living multiple southern states, outside of major cities there are places I would not enjoy staying. But to your point, yes there was a lot of racism in the social economic form like ghettos in the north. And to your point I didn’t feel much of that as I would have lived in high income areas.

As someone with similar fine tastes and lived/worked in numerous countries, I would not want to live in many places in the North or South or many places in any country). However, I would rather live in New Orleans, Charleston, and many hinterland charming places than the industrial North. Worst party I ever attended – had to listen to an urban Ohio girl talk for 3 hours…felt like Jerry Springer. :joy: Cinci-nasty indeed.

No thats bull crap, go on label me whatever way you like. But dont get all sensitive yourself then. Plus I never insulted your nationality.

Really? What percentage of Chinese mainlanders could have a civil conversation about Taiwan unless I say it’s part of PRC china? Or Tibet? Or the uighers in xinjiang? Or the number of numerous topics that are a no no to them.

I moved and in Malaysia I just got back from the mall where a PRC national would rather insist on Taiwan being part of China than make commission on the sale lol.

Just keep making negative generalizations

Part of what it does is blame people for things over which they have no control.

And confusing a people for a state

But it’s what corresponds with reality.

Who should I blame then? It’s not the Chinese that threatens to invade by force like every other day? It’s not the Chinese that gives zero shits about human rights? It’s not the Chinese that has a dog festival every year? Perhaps it’s not ALL Chinese but it is the Chinese and enough of them.

What do you expect me to say? I love China after all this? Can’t wait to have my rights all shat down the shoot and bow to the emperor.

Dont get surprised by the snipy comments then. Like whatever category of people you happen to identify with are perfect I am sure.

If you have a particular instance where I said something that you found not true and is unfair. I’d be reasonable enough to change my opinion on it. But please don’t act like there’s zero reasons on why I would possibly have negative opinions.

Its more like a general attitude. And I’m not saying there are zero reasons. Just that painting with a broad brush like that. You know yourself I don’t need to spell it out.

Well if you ever find what I said to be not true and completely unfair, feel free to lay it out for me. I’m willing to change my mind. But I can’t say my general attitude is going to change much, I know what topics I have to avoid with the recent Chinese immigrants in Malaysia. Even when I try to avoid them I get the women like today who literally would rather insist on taiwan being part of China than sell me the massage chair to make commission.