Is the Century Egg really that gross?

The century egg is on the list of almost every single gross food list out there that I can find. Next to things like mouse wine and bats. To me, I never thought it was gross, I like it. I’m not getting why it’s so gross. There’s nothing particularly gross about the preparation as it’s just an egg preserved in clay, ash and salt. I can get why someone might not like it, butI don’t see how it’s considered one of the grossest foods out there.

Is it the taste? The color and look? The QQ texture?

Do you find the Century Egg gross?
  • Yes
  • No

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Gimme chodofuh but no century egg please


What about it do you find gross?

IMHO, while not being the ultimate delicacy of this century, it really tastes good. I genuinely don’t understand why it is repulsive to some foreigners. (because it somewhat looks like weird ? come on…)

Mala Chodufu and ZhaChodufu / Gaolicai are to die for, though


I eat stinky tofu, hákarl, surströmming, kiviak and natto with pleasure, but not a century egg. Wouldn’t say it’s gross, it just taste bad.

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Fair enough, mileage may vary. :blush: :ok_hand:

It may have to do with the gooey dark greenish-gray yolk. Probably reminds some people of mold.


It may look rotten. Plus originally it was made with horse pee.

Personally I like them a lot.


I like them when they are cooked.

You like the original ones made with horse pee?

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I like horses and century eggs. But I tried one made in China that was revolting.


Century eggs are for amateurs, the hardcore go for these!


Century eggs are ok to me, but I don’t see why the Iron Eggs ever caught on

I love iron eggs. As stated elsewhere, century eggs are :duck:ing green. Nah. Never even tried one!

It’s good with congee.


Tell me you just wrote that Wikipedia article :nauseated_face:


If I accepted that standard, dofu ru would be good too :sick:

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Anything against green food?

If it’s eggs. Didn’t you read Dr. Suess?

I guess not.