Is there some kind of disorder that makes your sweat smell like dirty baby wipes?

This probably has something to do with the tendency for people to associate fatness with negative traits like laziness.

Anyway, he’s not fat. Probably average weight, maybe even on the thin side.

I’ve heard ketosis can make you smell a certain way. I wonder if he’s on a keto diet.


People with oily skin types also absorb smell and keep smell longer on their skin. I guess it mixes with their body’s oils.

I have none oily skin. When I spray fragrances, they leave my body really quick. I’ve done this experiment with people that have oily skin and sprayed fragrances on both person. Oily skin person keeps the smell for much longer.

Makes sense, but I’m not sure he’s applying anything fragranced to his skin. He doesn’t smell artificial or soapy.

Is he a redhead?

No. Do redheads stink or something? Might be why they’re dying out…

Not every redhead, but a good number smell like a combo of sour milk and crotch…

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He could be absorbing smells. I noticed that some girls I’ve dated absorb the smell of their cooking and others dont. Girls with oilier skin types always absorb it. I’m very sensitive to smell as well. So I notice these things and it bothers me.

Maybe he’s around something that smells like that.



Cunning linguist?

Sure, but not for redheads. :grin:

I smell a bit like sauteed onions. It’s a weird smell that is most pungent when I’m doing exercise, particularly lifting weights.

Come on. Molly Ringwald!

I think this is a pretty common type of body odor. I’ve smelled it on a lot of different people. I imagine it has something to do with alliums in the diet, which is pretty common if you’re eating good.

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I don’t eat carbs much, which may be a factor.

Diabetes? The smell/odour is sweet and always reminds me of hospitals.



is a disorder in which the body is unable to break down trimethylamine, a chemical compound that has a pungent odor. Trimethylamine has been described as smelling like rotting fish, rotting eggs, garbage, or urine. As this compound builds up in the body, it causes affected people to give off a strong odor in their sweat, urine, and breath. The intensity of the odor may vary over time

Foods to avoid
It can help to avoid certain foods that make the smell worse, such as:

  • cows’ milk
  • seafood and shellfish – freshwater fish is fine
  • eggs
  • beans
  • peanuts
  • liver and kidney
  • supplements containing lecithin



There’s a certain mountain dweller who would be very happy to see your comment and take issue with it, think he’s been banned from Forumosa though.

Used to be a female at my gym in VA who had this (she was a ginger, fwiw).

She was a monster on the weights but the whole side of the room would quietly empty out until she moved elsewhere. She looked so lonely. And angry. I felt sorry for her. But wow did eyes water.