Is traffic the worst part of Taiwan's lingering third worldism?

This one is on whichever genius thought it a good idea for pedestrians to walk with their back to traffic. In this situation of compounded errors, he could at least have been more alert to oncoming vehicles.

Taiwan does have designated parking areas for delivery trucks.

I would imagine the businesses could come together to apply with the govt. to get one close to their store. 2 problems though. Often have regular cars parking there because the police never enforce the law and delivery trucks pretty much always park in front of the store, everyone else be damned.

The other day I had a couple of delivery trucks double parking while I’m waiting for the bus. I had to walk into the middle of the street to see the bus with tons of traffic on the main road.

Or this which I just passed. Tons of space to park in front or behind of where he parked at…on the damn crosswalk. They only care about parking directly in front of the shop.

Also if they actually had real sidewalks and qilou/arcade that are level and not full of shit these delivery guys would actually be able to load stuff on the cart and actually push their load a reasonable distance for once. Although the funny thing is this spot here has an actual sidewalk and the qilou are level for the entire block…


A scooter with no rider goes through an intersection and hits some scooters waiting at a red light. CCTV footage showed that a car was going straight and turned right from one of the middle lanes instead of the turning lane, hitting a scooter and knocking the rider off whilst he scooter kept going forward by itself. A few thousand NTD fine will clear that all up and the driver will be back on the road in no time.


Ghost rider. Can you imagine if this had been ghost month? I showed this to my soon to be graduating senior high school students and warned them not to drive like this.


Not aware of any law against exiting from the left side of a vehicle, can you provide more detail?

Looks more like a delivery driver illegally parked his truck and then opened his door into a traffic lane without checking for traffic (which his truck was blocking). That whole section of road is a nightmare with illegally parked vehicles.

Apparently, the rider is okay. Time to buy some lottery.

Every Uber driver and taxi driver tells me this when I try to do it. Have they not told you?

If I cross the street to get to them, they also make me walk around the car and enter from the right.

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Not only do you have to worry about other cars/scooters…now you have to worry about gurneys too.
Fire department in New Taipei left a gurney unsecured…it rolls into the road and causes an accident as an 18 year old on his scooter ends up hitting it. The road looks to be the same road, different section, as the accident posted above.


Okay I guess this one goes here because of road rage…

An off-duty police officer is under investigation for multiple charges, including attempted homicide, after he allegedly chased a motorist, bumping into his car several times, before apparently using a PIT maneuver to cause the driver to lose control and crash in Nantou County yesterday, May 21.

The off duty officer had rear-ended/hit the car 5 times…


Looks like the other driver attempted a hit-and-run and the off-duty cop immediately went into cop-mode and chased him down with a pit maneuver.

You think people are stressed?

Lots of bad decisions being made lately . . .


Sometimes it’s more like they’re too relaxed.

Since the the can of worms of pedestrians is open, maybe someone has to open the can of left turns.

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Maybe we should just have a single traffic/pedestrian hell thread instead of 2 since a lot of the issues are more or less the same or pretty similar. So maybe something the mods can consider this way some of the conversation/topics don’t get fragmented between multiple threads.

Also I bet that driver was looking at his phone.

Edit: 22yr. old nurse in Yilan only about 30s away from from home is rear ended by a car and sent flying when she was turning left on her scooter. The car was overtaking in a double yellow section…


I’ve seen it reported upthread that maybe the government is thinking about getting rid of hook turns for scooters in some fashion, and some posters here think that’s a good idea. Every time I think about that hypothetical Taiwan without hook turns, this (the above accident) is what I imagine happening a thousand times over every day. Scooter drivers trying to turn left and car drivers not paying attention or not having enough spatial awareness…


There are already plenty of intersections without hook turns, some of the hook turns are unnecessary.

There needs to be stricter enforcement of stricter laws regarding dangerous driving, including proper left turning, which we seldom see here

Edit: I just checked the video more carefully, she was definitely turning well before the intersection (a dangerous local habit), and apparently didn’t check her mirrors. It had occured to me that many accidents here happen when both parties do something foolish. Many people get away with these bad habits most of the time so they think it is ok. Which it is, u til it isn’t

Pretty clear signal indicating the turn, though.

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I can give you the poor driving and poor defensive driving from a vulnerable road user, but the car overtaking there is close to 100% at fault.

Regardless, poor road designs lead to poor behaviours, which lead to even poorer behaviours. Then, to make sure everything is fucked up, do not enforce any of your poor rules. It’s just a recipe for hell (almost quoting Greg Graffin here).


Chang has already received a demerit and will be transferred to other duties while the investigation continues.

They mixed up the names in the article

First of all, if you were approaching an intersection with the knowledge that scooters can now legally make left turns, then you would be watching for them.

Secondly, the scenario in the video is completely different from a regular left turn at an intersection.

  1. The scooter in the video was making an illegal left turn into a driveway by crossing double yellow lines. She wasn’t turning left onto the street ahead.

  2. The scooter was hit by a car traveling in the same direction behind it who happened to be illegally passing at the same time.

  3. Because both were breaking the law at the same time, neither of them were expecting the other to be where they were.

It seems you have much more confidence in Taiwanese drivers than I do.


I mean, I don’t have any confidence that Taiwanese drivers wouldn’t run red lights, but that doesn’t mean we should just get rid of traffic lights.