Is traffic the worst part of Taiwan's lingering third worldism?

Well yes, before educating new drivers of course you need to educate the examiners and teachers.

Step by step, but including a proper public awareness campaign I can imagine the situation potentially changing in the future.

Not expecting all the drivers to change right away, but Taiwan could start with the new ones first.


I have never seen any enforcement on this.

I think immediate NT$15,000 fines would get their attention.


Garbage truck just went by, maybe we can take advantage of that so the police can spend their time enforcing the laws?

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10 days 7 people hit and killed in Changhua, Changhua Police Chief goes to temple to pray to Mazu for protection of the people.



Now we’re talking.


Can’t get more Changhua than this


Still no dancing though, Taichung was doing that last year. I wonder which one is more effective.


That’s, kinda adorable

Your knowledge of the history of this topic is impressive. :grin:


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I can’t understand that. I have driver for over 10 years and have had this situation multiple times. My INSTINCT is to pull into the shoulder

People acting weirdly on the street is distracting, so I’d say praying inside a temple is better because at least you can’t do harm.

NTU professor threatened with a baseball bat by a driver. Professor was getting ready to turn right but the car in front of stopped in the middle of the lane blocking the professor from being able to move forward and make a turn. So after giving a honk the driver of the car in front brings out a baseball bat. 5 hours later the police find the suspect.


Kaoshiung drunk driver that hit a family, killing the mother, crossing the road sentenced to 9 years and 10 months.


A scooter rider in Yunlin was trying to move to the inside lane to make a left turn, was hit by a truck from behind, and died.

That’s awful, truck going too fast and not paying attention. Scooter moved over too late, apparently didn’t check their mirror (can’t see if they signaled).

Sometimes I miss a turn because it comes faster than expected, so I keep going to the next one. Safety first


A bystander immediately ran over and started to do CPR and help the elderly woman until the ambulance arrived.

Always have to practice defensive driving and be on the lookout for others. Sometimes even if you don’t do something wrong…better to walk away with no injuries than get in some accident. I have no idea how much, if at all, defensive driving is taught in Taiwan.

Saw this video recently where just a little bit of basic defensive driving would’ve prevented a hospital trip. Scooter driver sees a car turning too slow at a wide open intersection. Only thing he does is a lightly honk whilst maintaining his speed, 0 brakes applied based on the speed show by his dash cam. Ends up driving right into it. Hip joint dislocated and a fractured bone…


60-70+ km/h in an urban area. And these are the most common speeds here.

Lesson one: The best defense is a good offense.
End or course.

It’s always the same. One person driving badly usually gets away with it. There are just too many people driving badly.


Is that Neili?

Never Yield.

Even if its scooter vs car. He thought the car would stop and let him pass.

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