Is Xi Really That Bad?

You do not need to be a freaking lawyer to understand the US Constitution. It is actually written to be understood perfectly.

US Supreme Court doesn’t rule based on law, they rule on politics. And court packing has gone on for as long as “felon in possession” is criminalized (which is from the 1930s). Supreme Court has made no real effort to rule on any firearms law in fact, except for DC v. Heller which really changes nothing and means nothing, except for affirming that the second amendment is in fact an individual right not connected to membership of any militia or military group, but at the same time says “existing” prohibition are somehow constitutional.

In other words they don’t have to make any sense.

I imagine you can’t join the Branch Davidians.

I don’t know about joining Yaweh bin Yaweh by the way, but you’re definitely looked at more if you are a part of that group.

That bad to whom?

For Chinese, he’s great. My wife says Chinese are 100x more jingoistic than before 2000 and super arrogant. She said for a Taiwanese female to go to China alone is unsafe. She’s been there in recent years. I’d guess she got bullied but she keeps it to herself

Chinese are same as anyone insofar as when economy is great other flaws are tolerable

We’ve had girlfriends that were high maintenance but if beautiful, great body and they loved us at the end of the night, it all seemed worth it

You don’t think China would bomb Taiwan despite countless threats to use military force (and what’s this “their own country” BS?). Okay, maybe if we’re reaaaaally lucky they’ll just embargo and starve Taiwan into submission.

China stable? Their economy has taken a huge shit, they’ve been politically isolated by half the western world, and they just had their first real protests in over three decades due to the COVID lockdowns last December. Who are you fooling with this nonsense?

Probably should get some sleep @Taiwan_Luthiers before you dig a bigger hole here.


So based on nothing, and you can’t name a religion I can’t join.

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All this from the food thread?


So what religion can’t I join in China?

There are mosques and churches in China.

Who said China actually wanted to bomb Taiwan? Assuming China wants to bomb Taiwan, and actually does it, will China survive this? America might choose to do nothing militarily, but at the very least all imports from China would STOP immediately without prejudice, China would be expelled from SWIFT, both of which would basically murder China’s economy.

Taiwanese don’t seem to be losing sleep or even worrying about China bombing Taiwan.

Seems there was only claims about the US not allowing you to join a religion, so that’s irrelevant. But isn’t falun gong banned in China (at least partially)?

Recently Chinese bought a place near by me for million. Will do restaurant. Every penny saved by hardworking Chinese immigrant family. Restaurants will be always empty, yet somehow they always manage to open new restaurant. No rent, always borrowed cash (mortgage) by OUR central bank.
Model going on all around world

Falun gong is about as tolerated by the Chinese as Branch Davidian is in the US…

In fact Falun Gong is an extremist organization.

I brought up Branch Davidian because that is one religion (or cult) that the US Government murdered in recent history. Same as Falun Gong in China.

The Branch Davidian standoff had nothing to do with religion. And they still aren’t banned.

Yea… I imagine Falun Gong being murdered or “reeducated” had nothing to do with religion either…

I’m not sure if it’s actually a crime to be a member of Falun Gong, but it probably is a crime to distribute Falun Gong literature or hand people copies of Epoch Time.

Again: The US Government can designate any group they so choose as a terrorist organization, and if you are a member of it, you will be in trouble. It does not matter if that organization happens to be a religion.

And even if that group is not a religion or even a religious group, the first amendment protects your freedom of association. As you can see today you have the freedom of association, except for groups that the government does not approve of.

Just remember, Mao put them into poverty first, murdering about 50x more people than Hitler or Stalin in his mass poverty experiment, better known as the “Great Leap Forward”. This is why historical perspective is key to understanding the present…


And that’s very stoic of them. But the Ukrainians didn’t worry too much about Russia before Putin invaded either. The vast majority of foreign analysts believe Xi will launch some kind of operation against Taiwan in the next decade. Sorry, but I’ll take their opinions over yours.

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Got a frantic call from my parents last night telling me to get as much of my money out of here as possible and keep my passport and cash on me at all times in case I need to make a quick escape. They were on about the whole “Ukrainians didn’t think it was going to happen either” thing. But I pointed out that the US was talking about an imminent invasion, not saying “Russia will invade soon”. If you look at the way the news was talking about Russia’s plans, the US knew exactly what was going to happen and warned Americans to get out. I highly doubt the US isn’t keeping close or closer tabs on China.

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Even after digging up a body, a gun fight, an axe murder, the govt didn’t do jack shit about the Branch Davidian. When allegations of underage marriage (12 and 13 yr olds) and grenades and automatic weapons came up though, the govt got interested. Sorry, but you can’t excuse that as banning religion. And, again, of course Branch Davidian still isn’t a banned religion.

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Still doesn’t change the fact that the government murdered a bunch of children over what, a few small arms? The FBI et. al. has extensive surveillance network and tactics, they could have taken everyone down one by one without a fight, or failing that done better than using freaking tanks on them. They acted like they were going to like overthrow the government. Even if they did indeed have some automatic weapons you can’t overthrow a government, especially a government as powerful as the US government, with some automatic weapons and grenades. Those weapons would have had to come from somewhere, or going somewhere else. They could have intercepted them when they moved.

No they overreacted and murdered a bunch of people as a result, and the officers involved went unpunished. Seems overreacting is something the US Gov. does all the time.

So did China just go around asking people if they were falun gong, and arrested them if they so much as read a paragraph from Epoch Times? I seriously doubt that. It ain’t North Korea where ALL religion except for worship of the Kims were banned. Or do they just monitor WeChat and arrest anyone who sounds like a Falun Gong member (or member of any other number of banned religions)? If so China should have the highest incarceration in the world. I can see China executing drug dealers/smugglers (Singapore does it too, at a higher rate than China does), murderers, or traitors/corrupt officials. But just for being a member of Falun Gong or any number of banned religions? That’s reeducation, not execution. I just don’t know how far you have to go before they arrested you, but surely just being a peon isn’t worthy of their attention.

But hey, the US has over 2 million people in their “reeducation camps”, but US is the bastion of freedom and liberty, am I right?

Yes, I don’t think it’s imminent. I do think it’s an existential threat that Taiwan will have to face whether that’s in 5 years or 10. I think the threat will be there as long as Xi is in power (so for life). If he dies and is replaced by a moderate then it will diminish, but he could also be replaced by a fellow hardliner.

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Yeah, I agree. Warnings will be made by the State Department and the AIT, and honestly those who would leave at any point due to Chinese threats should leave then, I think.

Sucks your folks are worried though.


Then I can’t imagine what daily life is like for all the tens of thousands of Taiwanese females who live and work in China alone. They must be sleeping with one eye opened. :roll_eyes:

Do you think taking Taiwan by force is something Xi personally wants to do, or it’s something the party wants?

Is there a difference? I would think anything the leader says or does is discussed and approved by the party. Or does the party just does whatever their leader says, without question?