Is Xi Really That Bad?

I know so many Taiwanese females who live in Shanghai, many single.

Seems to be a lot of cocktails and brunch and very little daily threats to their safety


Well China’s a big country, with almost 3x the population as the US and less livable land percentage compared to the US. I mean maybe there’s parts where females can’t be outside past 8pm or something, so who knows.

All we can do is look at statistics and “feeling” in many urban areas to know if China’s a safe country. But then it’s not like you can trust CCP’s statistic right?

So… what religion can’t you join again?

In practice I don’t think there’s any religion that you can’t join in either country. Of course legally in the US you have the freedom of religion, except for organizations that the government deems to be a “terrorist organization”, and in China legally there are some religions you can’t join.

But if you’re a Muslim in the US expect to be looked at more, especially if you are not a citizen. So it’s not like you can’t become a Muslim in the US, but you have to be slightly to much more careful when you are a Muslim.

And in China if you joined a banned religion, as long as you aren’t stupid and have home gatherings, they aren’t going to care. I doubt they can regulate online gatherings as much as they can physical gatherings (mostly because neighbors can notice physical home gatherings and report it).

O.M.G. Beccckkkkkkyyyyyy, it was your explicit claim that not only could they, they do, in both countries. Now, in practice, can’t do it. shrug, onto next random point.

Or any China.

With western money and investment. BTW, lots of the investment was stolen by the Chinese ‘partners’ and the investors left in the cold.

Brainwash, threaten or put some lead in their skull, paid for by the family.

All because western companies wanted to save a buck outsourcing shit.

It takes two to tango, and China wouldn’t ever have acquired technology unless the West just flat out told them to make cheap shit for the West.

It isn’t just China hacking or committing espionage. There’s certain thing you just can’t “steal”, like requiring a certain industrial and technological development before certain manufacturing skills/steps are even possible. And it isn’t just China, but every developing countries were able to build on what the West did and industrialize/modernize in far less time than it took the West to do it.

And the West gave it to China because they didn’t want to pay American workers what they’re worth to manufacture shit.

So kinda hard to blame China for stealing tech and investment, when it was the West who wanted to save a buck by outsourcing/offshoring stuff.

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Yes. Xi really is that bad. He’s an autocrat much like Putin. Right now China is working to make sure the same kinds of sanctions used on Russia won’t effect them if they are applied.

As many people can confirm China has become a very paranoid and ultra Nationalist country over the last 8-10 years. The last 5 years have seen a massive favoritism towards Han Chinese while ethnic minorities and foreigners have been subjected to appalling treatment.

China went from Panda diplomacy to debt trap diplomacy. And from what the world has witnessed, through the violent subjugation of the Hong Kong people, there is no such thing as one country two systems.

You can argue away anything else you like. However you should do that while understanding that Chinese women are leaving China in droves. And Chinese men have been cuckolded by the State. With new laws to enforce mandatory conscription call up for the Chinese military (one of the bigger mistakes Putin made before his Ukraine invasion).

Thankfully Taiwan has been taking the necessary measures needed to defend against invasion. Hence why China is attempting encirclement and applying crippling trade sanctions.

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Also, there are droves of Chinese flying into South America and getting smuggled into the US the same way all the Latin American refugees do it because the consequences of getting caught at the US-Mexico border are smaller than whatever they’re running away from in China. The number of spies among them is probably high, but the media I’ve seen about it all “the Chinese people are not the CCP”…

Not in China, they have enough well-educated people (even educated in the west) that are able to break in to that, reverse engineer. They have proven it. IC’s will take longer as they need to build the wafer producing machines first, but in good time they’ll have that technology (even stolen if needed). Just a few companies worldwide have cracked this step for high end IC’s.


And China has even ‘Chinese Police’ running around in the US, getting these people (refugees) back by abducting them.

Not just in the US, they’re everywhere. A number of EU countries have called out/shut down those “special police stations for helping with drivers licenses and other affairs” or whatever lie the CCP came up with. As usual, the CCP called them racist and whatnot for telling them they don’t have jurisdiction over space outside the embassy…

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My religion is banned in China. I’m catholic.


Xi is a wolf in teddy bear (Pooh bear) skin.

Not really, they made it into a ‘national controlled’ religion. But yeah, you can’t publicly state you’re catholic. The Pope until now was wise enough to hold off of recognizing China to be able to practice and open up Catholicism.

That’s an oversimplification . It’s like you didn’t even try to think about it

They stole a lot of it, they could have just stolen more

But they can catch up pretty quick. Amd they did. Ok, some things like rocket engines and semi conductors they can’t do very well yet, and we haven’t seen any real innovation and probably won’t for a while

Seriously though, just think about Taiwan a little. How did Taiwan develop, how did that work out for dictatorship, and why didn’t Taiwan invest at all in China (hint, Taiwan did)?

For joint ventures where western companies were required to share technology that was subsequently taken to a clone factory, debatable. For straight up hacking and stealing of blueprints, can blame

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Yes really. The Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association is not a catholic body.

If you want to practise catholicism, you are out of luck in China. Doesn’t matter how much they put the name into that organisation.

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Well, to be fair, the vast majority of Chinese were extremely poor before Mao. Things got better in the early 50s (as they tend to do after civil war), but yeah, he screwed things up with the Great Leap Forward followed by the Cultural Revolution. The economy didn’t start to pick up until after Mao.

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