Israel and Palestine conflict 2021

This must be some kind of naiive joke.

Israel destroyed civilian infrastructure all over, in each war. They couldn’t identify any military objective for the overwhelming majority of civilian buildings they bombed.

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arguably, that’s how it started…

the nazis were the bad guys

This is the extent of knowledge for most Americans.

  1. Israel is more like us because they read part of the Bible.

  2. Palestinians look like Osama bin Laden.

  3. Hence I support Israel.

Fortunately, this is changing, especially on college campuses.

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not the level of thinking, just the premises and conclusion


Both have a right to be there.


Isn’t it not what I am saying? both sides suffer the same kind of fate unfortunately.

If you claim that Israel is mostly and deliberately bombing civilian infrastacture, in hope of destroying military objectives, then you’re deluded, and should probably look at the very public target list published by the Israeli authorities.

The people Israel killed are mostly civilians. A few Hamas combatants here and there.

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I just thought the building coming down was precision war personified.

Israel has been a long standing ally of the United States, and the only free democracy in the Middle East, sharing much common values. Your discredit of the general American people is kinda insulting.

Also, unironically applauding the neo-marxist sentiment of American collage campuses. Oh lawdy…

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Stats? Sources? (Twitter and AOC doesn’t count)

I was thinking of you and faultless disagreement on this one, because as OO wrote both sides have a right to be there, and yet neither side wants to share, so we’re in a state of fault on both sides. quite a conundrum, with the US and Iran thrown into the mix. Personally, i can’t choose a side on this one, the whole situation is f*cked

Yeah, the far left BDS crowd seem to overlook the anti-Semitism, homophobia, and women’s rights issues on this one; hence, same level of thinking just different premises…

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Bingo. The same crowd that decries Israel, yet overlook the Uyghur concentration camps in China, The treatment of Kurds in Turkey and Iraq, the treatment of LGBT+ community in ANY Muslim country and so on.

That’s not my fault. :wink:

This seems the inevitable pushback for the end of the Trump era threat. I suspect Hamas is just getting warmed up. I wonder how those business deals with Israel and a handful of Arab countries are going. I sense a connection.

The scariest thing I saw about this all new not war in the ME is that neighbors were in the streets fighting neighbors. That is problematic.

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I should be fair and say that it’s not only Americans have blinkered views sometimes. My compatriots tend to love the Palestinians cause while ignoring many othe ’ foreign injustices’.

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Very, and probably Hamas’s greatest achievement of this round.

This is from the last war. 77% civilians.

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He definitely stirred the pot with Jerusalem, but once again (that is, as with the asian american violence) I think this is a bigger and older problem than that guy

Could be, it has definitely put those countries in a hard spot. I’m sure if they send some money to the right people that can help calm things down. Part of it is also non-monetary politics, Bibi as mentioned, Iran making trouble for their own reasons

Some of that is the same old problem for hundreds of years, some is COVID related. Complexity.

If Hamas really cared about the people, they’d try something else. I believe Hamas cares mostly about Hamas’ continued existence, much like Israel cares mostly about theirs. It is a shame nobody really cares about the Palestinians, except the American college students that don’t understand the wider context and only see the oppression they are shown.

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First of all, what does the 2014 conflict has to do with the current ongoing one?

Second, HRW is an extremely biased organization with a questionable funding. A simple look at Wikipedia would provide you with different statistics.

It’s around the same in all the full-scale Gaza wars.

No, Wikipedia isn’t more reliable than HRW.