Israel/Gaza conflict

far worse than the Palestinian plight is that of the big cats. In Africa, 50 years ago there were 450,000 lions. Today there are less than 20,000. Cheetahs have crashed to 12,000. Leopards have not fared much better. Tigers, from Asia of course, are on the brink and many local populations are extinct. Cloud leopards are almost gone across their range, including Taiwan and China. Elephants too are at 10% of numbers 50 years ago, or less. Legal hunting still goes on, and poaching takes ten times as many, often at the hand of gangs of violent criminals using 50 cal machine guns and hand grenades. Hardly sporting, hardly ethical, hardly human. except that it is very human, and selfish, short-sighted, and founded on ultimate ignorance.

Most of that is the fault of Chinese. But that’s just ignored.

People as a whole are not at all endangered. There are simply far too many of them. Too many people want to live in the same space, using the same water and land and air. It’s not tenable, but the rest of the planet 's inhabitants actually suffer far more than they do.

Not a palatable viewpoint for many, so flame away. But human life is cheap, and other species are irreplaceable.