

Do I have to say it?

Stop. It’s not funny at all. :s

Go to the wendy’s finger thread…have a blast. You’re crossing the line here IMHO.

Do I have to say it?
Stop. It’s not funny at all. :s
Go to the wendy’s finger thread…have a blast. You’re crossing the line here IMHO.[/quote]

Surely you jest. This is Open Forum. “Jacko” thread. How is this somehow in the wrong thread? :loco: Crossing what line? Jacko is a natural humor magnet.

Second, the thread is not entitled “the Jackson trial (serious discussion please”. Nor does the first post request serious discussion only, in which case I would have held off on the jokes. It’s “Jacko” as in whacko. How is that anything but a wide-open invitation for jokes?
(I began with a serious addressing of the issue, anyway.)

Third, Whacko Jacko is so pathetic, how can one deal with him except laugh and make jokes? The jokes all answer the poll question, too. Get a sense of humor, dude. :moo:

What is there to say? He is a sick man, he was abused by his father,
and its about time they put him away. I don’t care if he’s rich and famous,
the evidence is clear that he’s been doing this for DECADES.
Ridicule is the only response.

Even more jokes here: williambader.com/mj.html

Q: Why did Michael Jackson place a phone call to Boyz-2-Men??
A: He thought it was a delivery service.

I have a very intuned sense of humor DUDE…but you’re making jokes about children being sexually abused.

And it’s crossing the line of common decency IMVHO.

The evidence just keeps coming and coming. It would be pretty hard to have this many witnesses against you even if you had one or two disgruntled employees and money grubbers. And sleeping with boys like that is inappropriate to begin with, so the pattern of behavior seems pretty damning to me.

I find myself alternating between just shaking my head in disgust and bewilderment, feeling sorry for the kids, wondering how Jacko got this screwed up, and laughing and making jokes. The jokes don’t mean it’s not a serious problem. Sometimes they’re a way to cope with a bizarre world.

I find myself alternating between just shaking my head in disgust and bewilderment, feeling sorry for the kids, wondering how Jacko got this screwed up, and laughing and making jokes. The jokes don’t mean it’s not a serious problem. Sometimes they’re a way to cope with a bizarre world.[/quote]

I have no problem with this statement in general…jokes are used to get through incredible and difficult things. I just don’t find jokes that downplay the horror of sexual abuse making it a laughable event…

I doubt I’m alone in feeling this way. So, I’m asking you politely to stop. Say it in a PM.


If you enter a thread on Jacko, how could you expect not to encounter jokes? He is a joke. If you re-read my first and last posts, you

The jokes are okay with me. There was even a couple I haven’t heard before.

[quote][quote=“Dragonbones”]If you enter a thread on Jacko, how could you expect not to encounter jokes? He is a joke. If you re-read my first and last posts, you

[quote=“jdsmith”]What did Jeffery Dahlmer say to John Wayne Bobbit?
“Gonna eat that?” :slight_smile:[/quote]

That’s SICK! :laughing:

Ok, you have a sense of humor. Cheers!

[quote=“Dragonbones”][quote=“jdsmith”]What did Jeffery Dahlmer say to John Wayne Bobbit?
“Gonna eat that?” :slight_smile:[/quote]

That’s SICK! :laughing:

Ok, you have a sense of humor. Cheers![/quote]

Told ya.

I hope that if MJ has to go to jail for a few years, maybe he will make some good black soul music when he comes out again.

I find myself alternating between just shaking my head in disgust and bewilderment, feeling sorry for the kids, wondering how Jacko got this screwed up, and laughing and making jokes. The jokes don’t mean it’s not a serious problem. Sometimes they’re a way to cope with a bizarre world.[/quote]

I have no problem with this statement in general…jokes are used to get through incredible and difficult things. I just don’t find jokes that downplay the horror of sexual abuse making it a laughable event…

I doubt I’m alone in feeling this way. So, I’m asking you politely to stop. Say it in a PM.

And then you post a sick “joke” about JW Bobbit – a victim of sexual abuse – and Jeffrey Dahmer, also involved with sexual abuse.
What a hypocrite!

And then you post a sick “joke” about JW Bobbit – a victim of sexual abuse – and Jeffrey Dahmer, also involved with sexual abuse.
What a hypocrite![/quote]

Sorry Bud, I had no idea that JWB was sexually abused. :slight_smile: Too bad. In any event his being sexually abused doesn’t have a whole lot to do with why he is famous, does it? Unless you’re on Oprah trying to trace back the pain.

As for the reason I posted this joke was to show DB that I too have an odd sense of humor. :slight_smile:

Just not when it revolves around child sexual abuse. And in several places, I DID write IMHO.

And Jeffery D was “involved” in sexual abuse? Heh?? He killed, had sex with then ate them…

Then again…you’re “hypocrit” post may be your odd sense of humor? sigh

does this never end?? :slight_smile:

'Kin 'ell, his old lady sliced off his peener. I’d call that extreme sexual abuse – the X-games of sex abuse if you will.

'Kin 'ell, his old lady sliced off his peener. I’d call that extreme sexual abuse – the X-games of sex abuse if you will.[/quote]

Nah…that’s retribution. :slight_smile:

She threw it out the window of her car, when she discovered she was stil holding it.


And I MUST have had a long day…I took you seriously! lol

sandy geezer, you floundered that a bit didn’t you…is that allowed by a moderator?

on on…


reckon he’s going away for a while…!

Some writers did their most famous or infamous work in prison. I wonder if Jackson will put on any live concerts or write any new music in prison…

Ya really gotta wonder what happened to that guy though. Let’s face it: at one point he was a genuine superstar singer/songwriter with what seemed to be endless potential.

Now you look at him and he can barely carry himself into court. Sheesh! When your charged with an offence as serious as this, at least try to carry yourself with a bit of humility. He looks like a little ole lady.

Honestly, what happens to these people? Wealth and talent and then they start molesting little boys for a hobby? :loco:

Donning sequined gloves and weird costumes to produce pop drivel counts as “endless potential”? :loco: