Japanese-English drink Ribena

Anyone besides me like Ribena, common here in Liverpool and had some in Japan (seems Japanese company makes it) but my Taiwanese friends do not like it.


Never saw it in Japan but I love it

You might want to try actual blackcurrant juice if you get the chance (you just missed it - check the supermarkets and fruit shops around August for fresh blackcurrants). Ribena is to blackcurrants what Quorn is to a steak.

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I will see one the local markets have it and try!


Ribena is (or was) a staple for schoolkids lunchboxes.

See if you can try some Irn-Bru, the drink of Scotland. it’s very sweet and carbonated but worth a go. Pretty unique


I will look for Irn-Bru !


That stuff reminds me of the Taiwanese product called ‘P’, which at one point I used to buy for the childish amusement value.

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I like it. My wife loves it.

Singaporeans and Malaysians like it too.


In 2013, annual worldwide sales were around £500 million. That year, GSK sold Ribena and another consumer line, Lucozade, to the Japanese multinational Suntory for £1.35 billion. In April 2018, in the United Kingdom, Ribena’s longstanding recipe was changed by the addition of artificial sweeteners in response to the introduction of a sugary drinks taxby the UK government.[2]

Unintended consequences


Nice info ! I wonder does that tax work, seems people in UK need less sugar that other Euros.


Not sure. Makes me less likely to drink ribena now though.

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very common in HK, I find it too sweet. I love Lucozade (another British legacy in HK and other former colonies) though, much better than gatored or FIN for me (hate pocari sweat, way too sweet for me and the taste is bad), too bad can’t find it here.



the best for hungovers, saved my head from headaches many times. FIN doesn’t work that well at all

I only found out it was a sports drink at uni.

I think they rebranded in the 90’s

Is this the same thing as squash? That super concentrated drink that you are supposed to mix with water?

No. It is a sports drink. Hard for me to describe the taste. The original is orange soda.

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Me! Along with Marmite on toast.

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