much more a vegemite guy, marmite I find it a bit gross for the slimy consistency… THE MITE is BETTER haha
Nice ad ! It shows they use fruits from NZ.
Your a Aussie? Seems depends from where your from if you like any version it at all! (New Zealand has a different one I hear??)
I’m Italian haha. But got a lot of exposure to Aussies in HK, so got used to Vegemite.
Nice, an Italian that likes Vegemite ! I prefer Espressos and a creamy gnocchi meal , yet to find a good gnocchi meal in Taiwan. For sure I like Ribena better than Marmite but still can use it on bread with lots of butter. .
La Mole in Taipei makes awesome gnocchi with cheese sauce and walnuts.
Coffees are actually quite good here.
Suntory. The Dutch love this and call it cassis. They also love liquorice.
Love Ribena.
Suntory company that sells alcohol that will eventually make you ill however they also sell lots of tablets that supposedly make you well and able to run up stairs like a teenager.
What tablet are you thinking of?
I was making fun of the Suntory health product adverts on Taiwan TV.

The Dutch love this and call it cassis
Adding Cassis to a trappist beer in Belgium is also a thing?
Also good!