Joe Biden: U.S. President

Rudy G. has been on fox news telegraphing his investigation nonsense for years maybe.

Fact: No major news outlet wanted to touch this story, including Fox News.
Fact: Even several major writers at the Post didn’t want to sign off on it.
Fact: Only Rupert Murdoch media platforms are mentioning it.


Yes, which is what some have been saying for years, the media is a Pravda media. All of it.

Yeah, yet the laptop is real, it’s existence is not denied, the content not claimed to be false, Hunters name is on the receipt for the laptop.

I’m surprised even his media outlets are publishing the information.

The elephant in the room, no one is denying it is real.


It’s a media pattern when it comes to their Democratic darlings.

John Edwards is a former United States Senator from North Carolina and a Democratic Party vice-presidential and presidential candidate. In August 2008, Edwards admitted to an extramarital affair, which was initially reported in late-2007 by the National Enquirer but was given little attention outside the tabloid press and political blogosphere. . . .

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I can tell you really REALLY want things to pan out and for this wet dream to come true but…

sorry, this conspiracy theory is dead in the water. Happy to put money on it.

Perhaps we should re-evaluate why Biden will be much better, comparatively. Sure, he is not nearly as bombastic or sensational, but he is much more grounded, less ham-fistedly provocative, and seemingly much more willing to realize his own limitations and have experts call the shots in sensitive fields. This last point specifically is something Donald Trump, with levels of hubris only fools possess, does not have the capacity of doing and that has gravely hurt the reputation and position of the US as world hegemon.

Donald Trump has done a fantastic job of:

  • Splintering the harmony between different segments of the US

  • Weakening US soft power and the trust of our allies worldwide

  • Enabling thousands more to die from COVID via his rhetoric and bottlenecking of policy

  • Helping legitimize irrational state actors by cozying up to them on numerous occasions

  • Throwing into jeopardy the future of Taiwan with his “America first” behavior and desire, above all things, to only engage in policy that is beneficial to himself

His and Boris Johnson’s preference for inaction overseas most certainly helped greenlight the CCP takeover of Hong Kong, and his lack of condemnation of the Uighur tragedy in Xinjiang (seemingly using their ongoing genocide and I assume the HK situation either as bartering chips in his trade war or as concessions in exchange for re-election) evoke quite negative implications for Taiwan.

The thing you all (somehow still?) do not understand is that this Trump does not follow any moral compass. If the price is high enough, he would sell anyone or any group down the river in the name of avarice. Some people have to have the truth hit them directly over the head though before they finally get the picture. These people should stay out of politics.

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That’s why we think he’ll have to answer for his son’s laptop boo boo.

It’s the coffin nail in a career spanning a half century and defined by immorality, corruption, plagiarism, and selling the US down the river if the price is right.

Too bad the legitimacy of this crackpot story only exists in the fever swamps of far right networks. Fox won’t cover it, Drudge won’t proliferate it. There is a reason… but sadly you and others are too addicted to your endorphin-laced media diet of conspiracy and intrigue to process it. Boring, vegetable, “MSM” diet just does not get peoples’ rocks off anymore. The world suffers for it.

I get it though, it is a nice rush to feel like you are “on to something” and that there is this big bad boogeyman that you are helping unmask! If your life is mundane, it provides a spark of meaning and purpose.

That’s not how evidence works.

Well a question some Americans will be asking is how Joe Biden passed a background check. Oh wait, isn’t it the FBI that does background checks? The same FBI that has been sitting on Hunter Bidens laptop for a year?

The public passed on the Ukrainian stuff first time round, in part because MSM told them to but in part because it involved people they hadn’t heard of and names they couldn’t pronounce or remember.

This time, it’s Hunter Bidens own computer. His own emails, his own pictures. Simple questions to Joe Biden like “have you been taking kick backs from your son?” and simple questions to the FBI and DOJ like “you have had this information for years, why have you done nothing?”

It looks ugly and is ugly. Claiming it’s all Russian disinformation isn’t going to cut it, they are going to need a new narrative, but don’t know what that is going to be yet.


I think they are 24-48 hours away from a time when Americans are riveted on Biden’s refusal to address the issue. Pretty soon it’s going to dominate the news cycle until Biden answers some questions publicly.

Kerry, iirc, got a softball interview with 60 Minutes in October of 2004, a chance to put the fire out. It was too little too late.


I doubt most Americans are even aware of the story, that’s how well the MSM is keeping a lid on things.

Anyway, Bidens back to hiding in his basement till Thursday when he will emerge to watch a moderator “debate” with Trump.


The world is clearly rigged against Trump. :joy:

I mean, the Deep World.

Mainstream Universe even.

MSM is def running the usual interference, but the key is word of mouth. I suspect word of mouth is spreading pretty quickly by now - or very soon (hours away).


The realization hasn’t dawned on you yet, but Bernie Sanders should have woken you up, it’s also rigged against you and politicians and their ideas you like.

You just haven’t figured out whose in the driving seat and it aint a particular party.

So what did Biden do? Anything? Nothing? Let me know when anyone finds out. I hope the Republicans enjoy being Russian umm patsies in the meantime. It’s amazing how low they could sink, but no surprise I guess. It probably grows on you after a while.

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I know, I tried to talk about it during impeachment but you didn’t want to know then. If you really have an interest I will outline what happened.

I was trying to tell you back then, there was a reason Bidens name came up, but no, you didn’t want to know. “impeach him”!.

I’ll even give you all the links and yes the emergence of the laptop does bring a lot more details. Much is still coming out.

Democrats have been hyperventilating day and night for four years about Russian election interference and collusion by Trump officials and now that a blatant case of Russian interference happens on U.S. soil is like ‘meh, call us when you find something interesting.’

Apparently it was never really about Russian interference after all but simply about being ahead in the polls and winning elections.


I feel really sorry for that guy. I’m not sure what on earth he was thinking, but the intrusiveness of PC-mounted cameras is getting out of hand. Personally, I never use videoconferencing for anything, and I’ve taped over my cameras Mark Zuckerberg style. When I’m working, I’m working; but on the other hand, I don’t see any logical reason for those cameras to be there. I don’t want them getting accidentally enabled even if whoever-is-at-the-other-end can only see me slouched in my chair, looking like a hobo, and surrounded by piles of paper and general chaos.

Does this fine legal mind not understand the meaning of “mute”? :grin:

At least he won’t lose his CNN gig, because masturbating on the air is basically his job description anyway.


No. Create your own thread with a title of your choice.

Don’t forget blatant racism.