Joe Biden: U.S. President

Yeah, turns out they don’t trust the guy who race baited and went nationalistic with his kung-flu ways to investigate it in a way that was non-political.

Good call by Biden, who was 2 months ahead of Trump taking covid seriously. But we’ve been over this many times, I digress.

Trump had how many months to investigate btw? I count about 10. I don’t see any of his results, with all the US deaths on his watch. Biden moving a lot faster it seems. :brain:

Thank goodness we are back to normal and have a guy in the White House who understands that ‘campaign promises’ are just words you say and who knows enough to listen to the insurance industry industry before pushing the public option in, perhaps, the only period in US history when it would possibly pass.


Everybody knew by the first week in February 2020 or thereabouts, for people following closely that a lab leak from WuHan was likely the source, that there was a lab about 300 meters away from the wet market they alleged the virus naturally occurred and another lab also located not far away and they were studying gain of function research into Coronavirus and that before that it was being studied in the US but got shut down by Obama. Oh and Dr. Fauci was the head of the department that was in charge of all that.

The media is a shit show. Answer me this one question, how is it I knew that and the media wouldn’t report it?

An investigation is not going to go anywhere, who is going to lead it? Dr Fauchi? The Chinese? They already told everyone to piss off (which the western media promptly did). The WHO? The same WHO who were going around telling everybody the virus couldn’t be contracted from person to person at the same time we are all looking at videos coming out of China with packed ER wards and people falling down on the sidewalk like flies.

You were the ones claiming to be the adults with all the proper experience for foreign diplomacy and yet going back to the way things were working before has got a near civil war in Israel with Hamas, one encounter with China where they mock your democracy, compare it to Chinese “democracy” and a Pentagon chief who says China won’t give him the time of day. See here

Yes yes, I think we’ve all heard the new talking points/conspiracy nonsense already.

I’m all for investigations but you’re giving away your future desired narrative in absence of facts a little prematurely, methinks. Thanks though.

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“It’s a conspiracy theory”

Which part? Honestly you get so caught up with the media nonsense you don’t even realise they have done a 180.

I notice you didn’t answer this.

So I will, they didn’t report it because it didn’t go with their “orange man bad” narrative. Now he is gone, they can.

It’s that simple and because it’s Joe looking into it, it’s a good thing. :grinning: Pathetic.


Yeah the politicization of Fauci is out of the bag already. It’s not a very complex GOP crayon drawing either.

Get facts, (which are super neat) then we can talk. My usual response. The key to actually solving the problem of pandemics, for those who actually want to solve it.

If you want to demand whatever investigation, you should do that too. But your eagerness for outcome is really showing now.

I have no eagerness for an outcome. I am stating facts, which are all provable. I asked before what fact I am claiming you take issue with, I will provide you with links.

I mean you go with “It’s a conspiracy theory”, what is? Be specific.

Everybody knew, people are saying, yadda yadda. Well you asked, there’s your desired outcome that has yet to be confirmed. See ya.

I was watching videos of people dropping like flies in China, first week of Feburary, they were being posted on here, it was pretty obvious to me this was a disease that was caught perrson to person even while China, the WHO were saying it wasn’t.

Wasn’t that obvious to you? Did you miss all the original reporting on gain of function research into Coronavirus, who was studying it, who was funding it. That was known back then.

It’s why Rand Paul was asking those questions last week of Dr Fauchi.

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No offense but this sounds like a plumber giving neuroscience tips. Like you, I’m a plumber, unlike you, I defer to people who know more than I do, who are in a field that is vastly apolitical.

Yes, WHO has potential serious issues. Yes I think they should be looked at.

But the baby out with the bathwater, some doctors malpractice so plumbers should be taken seriously, etc etc, you get the point. It’s utter nonsense, and frankly a symptom of online arrogance where everyone thinks they can see stuff much more qualified people do not.

Of course with the brush of deep-state/conspiracy theories at one’s side, it is conveniently easy to paint all of that away.

Looking forward to future months of the Fauci narrative though, I will bring popcorn. :popcorn:

There’s nothing to see. It won’t go anywhere.

As for needing an expert to tell you something is contagious when we are looking at overflowing A&E rooms, people dropping like flies in the street, I don’t know what to tell you except, anyone looking at that would have said “that looks pretty fucking contagious to me” and guess what, it was, shocker!

That’s the problem with people that need to be told something from a position of authority, they also believe the position of authority even when the lies are so blatant the truth is staring them right in the face.

Again this is the problem I have when people can’t process reality, make a mistake I get, “he said to drink bleach” then you point out the actual words, and point out the word bleach is never mentioned yet they keep on with the same joke for months.

I hope to god he never gets elected again, I couldn’t put up with another 4 years of left wing posters having non stop tantrums, getting hysterical every day and usually about something the media just made up like Russia paying bounties, which Im sure you were hear peddling as the next biggest scandal at the time, except as usual it was false.


There go the goalposts! You said it was obvious it came from a lab.

I think I’ll just sit here and wonder what it would take for a Biden investigation into the covid source to be applauded by the usual suspects.

Perhaps less Gray Poupon, less dandelion picking…it’s all so hard to pin down.

Biden approval rating at 54% in the latest Fox News poll. Higher than Trump ever achieved in his entire four years, with 72% approval on dealing with the pandemic.

Not too shabby for someone who’s supposedly senile.

What happened to that major shift of minorities and young people to the GOP? Don’t see it in polls, don’t see in the ballot box, not anywhere.

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That one is bound to leave a mark on the thinnest-of-skins.

Turns out paying minorities to stand in the background doesn’t translate.

No, that’s you moving the goal posts, I asked you to specify what you took issue with twice and you didn’t.

So now you claim I said it was obviously from a lab. I didn’t, this is what I said.

Everybody knew by the first week in February 2020 or thereabouts, for people following closely that a lab leak from WuHan was likely the source

That is true. So once again, what have I said, that you take issue with, where is the " conspiracy theory”

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What you said is an assumption made by an amateur (you) in lieu of evidence, any way you wish to chop it up.

Are you on commission or something? Don’t answer that, but I hope you are.

I have common sense which is why when a random story like “Trump called the dead war hearos in France losers” based on anonymous sources, I say to myself, that’s not likely.

You will believe it because you want to believe it even there is no evidence and even if every single person that was there tells you that never happened.

You believe obvious crap like pee pee dossier that in part get debunked within 24 hours for years and when a final determination is made by an IG that in fact the source admitted the details were gossip innuendo and basic crap, just move on like it never happened and fail to acknowledge you were had, that the media lied for years.

You don’t stop and ask yourself, when Joe Biden comes out and says “George Floyds death was more influential point in time than MLK assassination”, you don’t say “what! wait, that doesn’t seem right, how did we get here?”


You are guilty of the same thing that you accuse Mups. You don’t want to believe that because you have a favorable view of Trump and a negative one of the media. You are injecting your own bias here.

Again you may not like that it was more influential but is he wrong? No he’s absolutely right. The George Floyd protests spread all over the world and BLM became a global movement with even demonstrations in places like Taipei. Were there demonstrations after the MLK assassination in Tokyo? I think we all know the answer to that. Had the MLK assassination happened in the digital age it would likely have spread around the globe.

Just because we don’t like a fact, doesn’t make it wrong.

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I don’t actually have a particularly favorable impression of Trump, I do on many occasions call out his bullshit, but I also call out obvious media bullshit.

I thought someone might reply along those lines, I am not in fact saying he is wrong. I am asking why did this event become more influential point in time than MLK’s assassination.

Who says I don’t like it? Like you say it’s a big movement, worldwide, those are facts, why would I like or dislike a fact?


Because it’s a significant event, caught on camera in the digital age. Look at the initial police report without that attention it would’ve been buried like many other incidents I’m sure.

“Man Dies After Medical Incident During Police Interaction”

Why doesn’t that seem right?