Joe Biden: U.S. President

Stop being so razzled 24/7, get over yourself already.

I was right about his desire to be a dictator, also right about his inadequate covid response. This ain’t rocket science, thanks again for the reminders.

Not even during the Civil War did insurrectionists breach our Capitol, the citadel of our democracy. But six months ago today, insurrectionists did. They launched a violent and deadly assault on the people’s house, on the people’s representatives, and on the Capitol police sworn to protect them, as our duly elected Congress carried out the sacred ritual of our republic and certified the Electoral College vote.

This was not dissent. It was disorder. It posed an existential crisis and a test of whether our democracy could survive—a sad reminder that there is nothing guaranteed about our democracy.


Here’s the thing. You seem to think what you’ve been spending hours of your time on here to be important and amount to something. There’s like 10 of us that even talk about politics here…congratulations hero. You’ve saved the world from Trump with your memes and rants here with the 10 that saw them.

But seriously, do you not feel a bit embarrassed reflecting on that you would probably come up the most by a wide margin if we did a keyword search here?

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Good thing Joe was napping during the social insurrection of last summer.

I’m not …at all. But that’s a nice homer thing to say. I’m not the one desperately seeking confirmation bias in all I post. Maybe you can find a nice yukyuk GOP MAGA meme to go with your mock turtle denials.

Was you? Because I recall dems screaming for Trump to exercise war powers during covid, so he could open the door for them, and he wouldn’t do it.

Huh…I got my shots. So did Biden for that matter…Trump’s vaccine.

Keep grasping
maybe they’ll fine the CFO for not declaring his car. lol Big win for the Dems! Maybe Scarmooch will have some new dirt. Maybe Cohen will…you know what? Maybe you are Cohen. Beginning to sound like him

I think you can put Biden in this group as well. He wrote the laws as he’ll whisper to you.

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All the following around, all the projecting and attempts at gaslighting don’t really faze me. Something you think you would have learned a long time ago.

Clearly you guys need a target, or safespace, whatever, I get it, and I can take it, and I can also post here without crying about what others are posting… :brain:

I understand you see me everywhere, but back to Biden.

Good points made here, about vaccination goals being short as part of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Maybe it feels to them as if refusing vaccination is a good way to stick it to the liberals — who admittedly are exasperated by this behavior — the main result is that the pandemic is raging out of control in “red” areas of the country, while blue states and regions are getting back to normal.

Some sobering statistics: A new Washington Post/ABC News poll shows that while 86% of self-identified Democrats have gotten at least one shot, only 45% of Republicans have done the same. If it weren’t for the high rates of inoculation among seniors, in fact, the proportion of vaccinated Republicans would be even lower. As it is, most of the unvaccinated Republicans currently say that they have no plans to get the shot.

Carlos Slim is the largest investor in the New York Times, so maybe its editors have a vested interest in ignoring the stench. What’s the Washington Post’s excuse? The story about Hunter’s deals in Mexico, like the previous ones about Biden family corruption, is missing from its news pages. To paraphrase their self-serving mottos: The story dies in darkness, unfit to print. To read it, you’ll need to check out the New York Post and Britain’s Daily Mail. This suppression of legitimate news is a scandal in its own right.

How about that?

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Crying and calling out your bs are not even similar. Lol

I’m sure you like to think of valiantly trying to rewrite history as calling out someone’s BS, but who am I to dictate your hobbies?

My last post on this, even though I’m the one actually on topic usually…do you realize how much time you spend replying to me, and following me around?

I’ll give you a clue, it’s a lot more than I spend on you, or anyone else. Reflection time!

Not really, I’m barely active in politics which your domain. I just think think the irony of you making fun of MAGA for being obsessed with Trump when you are the most obsessed person here humorous and wanted to know if you recognize this as well.

But you do you if this makes you feel happy . I’m doing just fine right now.

Cite? Numbers I’ve seen say Democrats over 93%, Americans overall 60%

The May 17-19 national poll found that 53% of Republicans believe Trump, their party’s nominee, is the “true president” now, compared to 3% of Democrats and 25% of all Americans.

About one-quarter of adults believe the Nov. 3 election was tainted by illegal voting, including 56% of Republicans, according to the poll. The figures were roughly the same in a poll that ran from Nov. 13-17 which found that 28% of all Americans and 59% of Republicans felt that way.

They are the ones who give Biden 52% support, Trump 39%

Yes, you should reflect no why you post daily MAGA and GOP memes. I post stuff about Biden allllll the time, including today. Have you responded? Noop. Just playing your victim card. “He’s following me!” Like Andrew said, there’s about ten of us in here normally. You’re part of the ten. Why should I ignore you? That would be impolite.

Are we believing polls again? :ponder:

Not Republicans, anyway- they never believe any numbers- or offer any, either. Some say it’s because the numbers are against them- personally I believe it’s their inability to count to twenty without taking their socks off.

Seems a little invasiony to me, privacy-wise.

confirmation bias

get over yourself

minds changed so far: 0. if anything, i’ve been pushed further right…

no, you seem very comfortable with these things

i see your lucky charms, and raise you an antifa

my :2cents: on biden, best president since obama

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Common sense, polls are saying 58% of Americans think Joe Biden isn’t in control of anything. Do you really think a maority of people who think Biden cheated and isn’t in control of anything have him at 155% approval rating?

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I read Rogue Justice a few years back. Obama loved the status quo and loved to slap down whistle blowers and leakers and the media. Total piece of shit in my book. Biden is a placeholder and like the ACA, we had to elect him to find out what was in him. whispersssssss

Oh, here’s what’s in him:

Less than six months into the Biden administration, more than 15 consultants from the firm WestExec Advisors have fanned out across the White House, its foreign policy apparatus, and its law enforcement institutions. Five, some of whom already have jobs with the administration, have been nominated for high-ranking posts, and four others served on the Biden-Harris transition team. Even by Washington standards, it’s a remarkable march through the revolving door, especially for a firm that only launched in 2017. The pipeline has produced a dominance of WestExec alums throughout the administration, installed in senior roles as influential as director of national intelligence and secretary of state. WestExec clients, meanwhile, have controversial interests in tech and defense that intersect with the policies their former consultants are now in a position to set and execute.

The arrival of each new WestExec adviser at the administration has been met with varying degrees of press coverage — headlines for the secretary of state, blurbs in trade publications for the head of cybersecurity — but the creeping monopolization of foreign policymaking by a single boutique consulting firm has gone largely unnoticed. The insularity of this network of policymakers poses concerns about the potential for groupthink, conflicts of interest, and what can only be called, however oxymoronically, legalized corruption.

And honestly, who knows more about that than Delaware shell company Joe?

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assuming this is all true, still better than the last guy in my books!


Read the link about Biden’s westexec inner circle. Trump brought in his golfing buddies. Biden’s blatant scumbaggery puts the Don to shame.