Joe Biden: U.S. President

Times Investigation: In U.S. Drone Strike, Evidence Suggests No ISIS Bomb

Just kill someone to save face and we’ll make up a story.

And this:

The FBI file that is significantly redacted details a 2015 interview with an official who worked at the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles.

He admitted that he allowed two hijackers to use his apartment and helped them travel around LA. He was found to be an al-Qaeda ‘facilitator’ by the FBI and the Saudi Consul General wanted to fire him for distributing extremist Muslim literature.

He was also a close associate of two other Saudis, Omar al-Bayoumi and Fahad al-Thumairy, who the helped the hijackers.

The new FBI file reveals that al-Bayoumi, who has admitted befriending them, worked as a ‘ghost employee’ at a Saudi aviation firm in the US.

And it details how al-Thumairy gave the hijackers money, travel assistance and lodging.

The Saudi official, who is only referred to as PII and who applied for US citizenship in 2015, is thought to be Mussaed Ahmed al-Jarrah who worked at the Saudi Consulate in Washington, DC.

Al-Jarrah’s name was accidently left unredacted in separate court papers penned by an FBI official. However, he has vigorously denied any involvement and insists he did not know any of the hijackers.


While it’s true that if you find racism or sexism in the US today, it’s far more likely to be found on the left than the right, I wonder what you mean by this.

To me, it usually means it’s a preventative measure put up to not look at someone in the manner they look at you or others, and to do so violates the sanctity of the measure itself. It’s a fascinating snake eating its tail rhetorical device.

We’re totally not racist or sexist, so we’ll choose the VP based on her race and sex, but still go with an old, out of touch white dude for the big chair.


Not me, pal. I voted with the 70 million percent. That said, I accept her as the VP, and feel she is doing sub-par VP work every time she sticks her head up.


Wait…you’re a Democrat?!? :open_mouth:

I’m confused now, so probably not. They always seem like they’re on the same page…the very same page.

Aren’t we all…

I was injured by a drug that is still on the market years ago, and the damage was permanent. There is no way to really sue because the drug company will just say, prove it was the drug and that is almost impossible.
Excuse my skepticism with a vaccine rushed out in a year. Not interested


Doesn’t it make you feel good knowing the ACLU has your back at least? Oops, no they don’t.


They can join Antifa and BLM as organizations whose names mean the opposite of what they say.


Judging from all the anti-vaccine hysteria “conservatives” must have a pretty high estimate of the death rate from vaccines. Would be interesting to know what they peg that death rate at.

Wrong thread?

Actually if you watch Bill Maher’s latest diatribe you’ll see that noop, it’s liberals who are way off on the numbers. Like waaaaay off.

  • my bad. Not his latest diatribe.

I don’t doubt that. Liberals spend most of their time off in the weeds. Can you direct me to that Maher episode? I searched for it but I’m not a regular viewer so I don’t know my way around his diatribes.

In a recent Gallup survey, Democrats did much worse than Republicans in getting the right answer to the fundamental question: what are the chances that someone who gets COVID will need to be hospitalized? The answer is between one and 5%. 41% of Democrats thought it was over 50%, another 28% put the chances at 20 to 49.

So almost 70% of Democrats are wildly off on this key question and also have a greatly exaggerated view of the danger of COVID too and the mortality rate among children. All of which explains why today, the states with the highest share of schools that are still closed are all blue states.


Thanks! I’m on it.

Less than 4% is true, of cource. I wonder what the hospitalization rate would be though if we had no vaccines in the Delta era.

Onstage Friday night, Maher said the vaccine “probably” helped him not get sick.

“Did it help? Probably? I don’t know. We don’t know. Yes, probably. I don’t know,” he said. “You know, most people who got the thing never got very sick. Less than 4 percent went to the hospital — I know media doesn’t like to talk about that! It’s something to be respected? Obviously, yes. And so, good. The point is, I had it!”

We should ceremoniously thank the Trump Administration.


That’s not how it works. You made a claim, you provide the supporting evidence.