Joe Biden: U.S. President

Bolton is the guy you hire to fire.

:rofl: pinning me as woke now are you? Perhaps go try to live in the US a few years and board up this apparent echo chamber you have constructed. You can then come back with your head screwed on a bit more straight, and hopefully be more endowed with a deeper understanding of US politics.

Your framing of the question was quite warped in the first place. You have no high ground here in the least, but I do hope you enjoyed trying to play gotcha.

You are being quite ridiculous now. You can’t seem to admit that Putin is the genesis of this whole mess. Bless your heart. Be upset at him, if you are allowed to - not someone who you have laughably claimed as “woke”.

The idea that you suppose the stooge that is Trump would have created a more peaceful world at this time, that he would have been a savior for Ukrainians is laughable and insulting to people who have been directly affected by the war. Take that propaganda elsewhere for the love of christ.

Trump et al. was worse for US domestic and foreign policy in just about every way. Had he gotten a second term, he would have sold the US and its interests down the river at an even more alarming rate than he already did, and left more US allies out to dry. I suppose that doesn’t bother you one bit though huh? I will just chalk that up to a “probably not”. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I expected this defense. This was reported back in 2019 well before the Bolton quote.

Yeah? How about Barr, Richard Spencer, John Kelly, Tom Bossert, Cliff Simms, Omarosa, Scaramucci, Gary Cohn, Ty Cobb, Rex Tillerson, Jeff Sessions?

All people who worked closely with Trump and are very critical of him. But don’t listen to any of them. Only listen to Trump. Everybody else is lying.

Wokeness started the war in Ukraine. Putin is saving Ukraine from pronouns and preserving our traditional values. If Trump was president, Ukraine would welcome Putin with open arms.

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I tried to ask a hypothetical question, you replied with “you you you, your your your” more about me than anything else, I should be flattered, but am not interested in a “debate” with someone who can’t even recognize the simplest realities.

I was curious for years how a faction of a population could turn on their fellow citizens with apparently no empathy at all to their suffering, like they did in the Russian revolution or in Germany during WWII.

It’s only recently watching as the dehumanization process unfolds with a certain group and they label the offenders names like anti vaxers and wish apon them a terrible fate, lose their jobs, lose their rights to be a part of society, take their money without a court case is they protests. That who this group are, is quite clear.

They do it over and over “let’s treat ALL Russians as if they are guilty” as if the average person in Russia is responsible for a war Putin started. But they seem to actually enjoy punishing the offending party with a complete lack of empathy for the suffering they cause.

Not just those two, it’s a recurring theme at this point. The lack of humanity is astonishing to be frank.

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So now not only are you woke, but you’re a NAZI!

Similar mindset, I mean that sincerely. They did a lot of psychological experiments following the end of the WWII to try and understand how people could go along with what they were doing. They didn’t believe “I was just doing my job” really cut it considering what they were doing, they were horrified by the results.

Dehumanization is a common first step, call your enemy anti vaxxers, or Russian apologists, or Trumpistas, then you can start day dreaming of the kinds of pain you wish to inflict apon them. There is no compassion or kindness or will to see your opponent as human beings with a different opinion.

It’s also what Joe Biden did recently and I imagine those who have made Trump supporters their fixated object to be targeted will cheer every authoritarian measure imposed, as they seemed to go along with disowning family members (which they also did for anti vaxxers).

Doesn’t that kind of stuff seem a bit extreme to you? But consider that a rhetorical question because I think we all know the answer.


That would require empathy.

Wait are we trying to tie together Trump supporters with Russians? Who are the Nazis in this analogy? Ukrainians? Or antivaxxers?

I’m sure you empathize with the many dead Ukrainians and the ones left living fighting for their survival.

Don’t forget calling your enemy a Nazi.

Of course, watching the war unfolding is a tragic waste of life, the Ukrainian loses have in many cases been because the Ukrainian leadership is following hard to understand strategies again you are projecting your thinking onto me, all life lost in a war is tragic.

I didn’t call anyone a Nazi, I didn’t call anyone an enemy either (your projection again) I did say the kind of thinking that caused the Bolsheviks, Nazi’s or whoever you want to put into the category of dehumanizing their opponents is a well known phenomena.

That the woke ideology is very similar to the ideology that gave rise to the Nazi’s should be cause for some pause for reflection. It’s the same characterizing and creating hierarchies within a society based on unalienable characteristics, they just flipped the order of hierarchy but it’s basically the same thing.

The people that seem to fall into the followers of this kind of thing are subjected to massive psychological pressures from the media, it really is mostly a case of mass formation psychosis and a combination of other factors such as thinking in the collective rather than thinking of people as individuals.

I empathize with the families destroyed through the policies created and championed by Joe Biden. I empathize with the Ukrainians who were killed or displaced since 2014, which likely you couldn’t give a toss for because you weren’t told to yet.

Taking a break from IP, you guys really live in your own dimension it seems, where Putin and RU aggression is smiled upon and the Big Bad West is the real string-puller behind Putin’s decision to barbarically invade Ukraine. :crazy_face:


You fellas really are missing out - you could get paid for being this consistently lockstep with the Kremlin’s propaganda you know. It’s eerie really, how a mod here can so consistently repeat Kremlin talking points like it is his - at least part time - job.

Once again, the US did not cause Putin to invade Ukraine. Putin decided this, and much of the world has rightfully condemned him for it.

If you don’t like war, then you shouldn’t like Putin, who decided to greedily, sociopathically, start a war. It is not rocket science.

If Trump was the president right now, you really think Putin’s war crimes in Ukraine would not have taken place? No, they would have been greenlighted and downplayed. Ukraine potentially would have fallen by now, or at the very least not be in the position to defend itself like it can today.

I have nothing against - and actually pity - the majority of the Russian population, as they have little to no say regarding the actions of the Kremlin and are really first and foremost victims of Putin’s regime. Some are brainwashed to drink the koolaid (hmmm sounds familiar) while many others are in foxholes - and the powerful/influential ones among them are being killed, persecuted, and silenced by the Kremlin so that Putin’s vice grip on the population can be even stronger.

Now where is this coming from? :crazy_face:

Russia has dehumanized Ukrainians for YEARS now:

Won’t hear a peep from you about this huh @Mick?

It really is a marvel how you think. I don’t underestimate your intelligence though - I think you know your recent hyperbole and ridiculous conflations are not rooted at all in truth. I guess the recent news that Ukraine - with the help of NATO - is pushing back against Russia has really pissed in your porridge today, and you are lashing out. Condolences comrade.

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I asked a hypothetical and got a bunch of nonsense, obfuscation and general imaginings of what I guess knocks around your head when you try to understand what other people are thinking, you could ask you know instead of spouting so many falsehoods about what others believe it would take all day to refute the claims, I’ve chatted with people like that before, an abundance of false claims that takes time to respond to, but the point isn’t that their posts are supposed to be accurate or truthful or even closely reflect reality, the point is in the process they can be toxic and make numerous personal attacks. Although it’s not what I consider mature behavior.

Enjoy your break from IP, toodeloo.

Don’t project your partisan hatred onto me. I’m not a stand in for whatever leftist woke communist caricature you have in your head. And don’t presume to know who I do and do not care about. You don’t know shit about me.

Ukrainians killed by a dictator have nothing to do with the failure of right wing populism to deliver for the American people. I can empathize with all the disadvantaged. And I see no need to tie unrelated issues together for the sake of scoring political points.

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I, as a liberal minded fella, would like to see Joe Biden answer for things he has done to destroy the cohesion of the citizens of the U.S.A…

I’m concerned that you, as an intellectual, have been blinded by an all or nothing ideology that, in the long run, will leave you behind.

Plenty of presumptuousness going around.

I think I know quite a bit about the persona you project here.

Joe Biden has more to do with the dictator in the Ukraine ordering the killing of Russian/Russia friendly people east of the Dnieper. Your boogeyman Trump didn’t do much there either. I’m not forgiving Putin from causing violence to and fear in the Ukrainian people.

I don’t. That’s kind of a bullshit platitude to me.

I’m so self-conceited that I tend to turn some things into a lesson of some sort.


What decade are you living in? There was no cohesion to begin with. Both Biden and Obama made attempts to work with Republicans at the beginning of their terms and eventually realized that won’t work. Biden, in calling out MAGA Republicans, made a very clear distinction from regular Republicans based on four conditions: 1. Supporting the overturning of elections, 2. Supporting the Jan. 6 riots, 3. Supporting candidates that run on overturning elections, 4. Supporting political violence

Do 75M people fall into that category? No they don’t but there are several politicians who do. He couldn’t have been more clear, and with 60% approval on that message, he is not the one contributing to division.

You think you know but you’ve got no clue.

Telling me I should wear a Lakers jersey instead of a tie, calling me an intellectual as some kind of pejorative, or saying that others tell me what to think, is pretty clear you’re living your life disconnected from people outside your bubble.

And as long as we are presuming, I’d wager by your statements I’m consuming a wider variety of media, including plenty of right wing sources, than you are. And guess what? I still don’t empathize with Putin. I’m able to discern nuance between the Russian people and their leaders, or Republicans and MAGA. So no one is telling me what to think or who to care about.


It aint that complicated.

Let’s see if Joe Blow can get the unions he touts regularly to fall in line.

The union bosses get suitcases of money, the union members get fuqqed. Nothing new.

Who could have foreseen it?

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