Joe Rogan

I switched off after a few minutes, but not cos he seems like a dick. He just rambles too much and doesn’t let Joe shape the conversation into an interesting show.

He has a lot of eye opening stuff to say though. For example if you saw the Documentary Cartel Land about the Auto Defensas who fought the Knights Templar…It turns out the Auto Defenses were funded by the Chinese Government that had illegal mining businesses there and decided to arm the citizens to protect their ore.

I’m sure he does. I just don’t have 3 hours at the moment to wade through it. He needs to learn how to make his points succinctly. Maybe Joe can give him some lessons.

Strange from my POV he goes through more interesting information in a shorter time than most any of Joes Guests.

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I’ll give it another go at lunchtime. Maybe I just need to fast-forward a bit?

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Won’t be watching this anymore.


Your loss. He has interesting guests regardless of who he plans on voting for.


I’d rather watch something else.

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I don’t have a problem with Rogan at surface level, in that I don’t have a problem with people who are curious and seek answers.

But although he often tells listeners not to take him seriously, because he’s a self-admitted idiot, he does give opinions that I think often don’t see the forest for the trees.

He’s not an arrogant dumb person who thinks they’re smart (the worst kind), but I think the ‘woke’ level he speaks on is disproportionate to the number of times he tells people not to take his opinions seriously.

I think the value in his show is when he has knowledgeable guests on, and their takes can be worth listening to.

I find him annoying on the level that it’s hard to listen to someone who’s often high, spending 10 minutes arriving at conclusions that sound like revelations to him, that are actually common sense and knowledge to anyone who pays attention. And sometimes his conclusions he works hard at getting to are just clueless.

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I just kind of tune him out when he does this.


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The Guardian article said that Rogen said both that he’d vote for Trump over Biden and that he’d not vote for either. Great reporting, as always. I’ll have to watch myself to understand the context.

The Guardian’s not that bad. I think it’s still worth a look. I’ve yet to donate financially so that its journalists can continue to enjoy their Islington lifestyles while still feeling righteous, but I give the esteemed organ my patronage. In reading at least, the buggers have banned me below the line.

It’s fun to see people take an eight-second clip out of a 3h+ conversation and report on it as ‘news’ and even more fun to see people who wouldn’t have watched anyway declare ‘no more’.

The interesting discussion of the office was a few minutes earlier when they came to the conclusion, that I entirely agree with, that Tulsi would be the candidate who would probably be best suited to deal with a crisis of this sort.

I’m not a Rogan fan.

I’m a Rogan guest fan.

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Big Biden fan are you?

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Good to see Joe talk about the WHO


Ughhh that Weinstein is such a pompous idiot. Worst guest ever.
Edit: Not talking about that clip. Just saying in general.

Joe Rogan is an important and pretty independent voice. You don’t have to agree with all his politics (I’d say I only agree with him about half the time).


half the time sounds pretty good.

it’s just sad to see that everyone who doesn’t believe in a bipartisan order is named a libertarian. from what i’ve read, libertarian is just another name for ‘do as you please’.

america is ripe for a third, heck, even fourth or fifth party. every politician should disclose his real ambition why he/she is in politics.

Agree. I’d like to see info about their donors broadcast live on a ticker during debates, etc…