Just saw a guy take a bat to a car's windshield

Was sitting outside of my building making a call and I hear a big bang. Followed by about 10 more. Guy is wailing on a cars windshield. He throws the bat in front of the vehicle and goes into the building.

I didn’t get a good look at the guy and didn’t want to make eye contact as he was still holding the bat.

I walked past the car a few minutes later and i see what happened. A guy double parked and went in for the night trapping this guy in and he just lost it.

And we were talking on another thread about people being all wound up here.
Mind you my building is full of ktv girls and wannabe gangsters and i just avoid them

First I ever saw here in many years and it shook me up tonight since it was just a few feet away

This is the kind of stuff I’ve heard about too but have not (yet) seen.

Best stay out of the way of these folks–even with jianbao card coverage!



Picture or it never happened

I kinda glanced over as he glowered at me so I figured I better put my head down as I didn’t have a bat and he did lol

@mad_masala i should have told the guy to wait up for a selfie with me


You have learned your Taiwan lessons well young grasshopper.

Or in common parlance: stay the h*ll away from these guys.


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S/he won’t double park again. A hard learning experience that is to the benefit of everyone.

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That is likely true :slight_smile:

Why did I imagine this?


Back in the old country I saw something similar happen. A well dressed guy, tie and suit and executive briefcase stepped off his car, arranged his jacket…And swung his briefcase at the window of the car next to him. Window was smashed into bits, guy reached in, pulled out the car stereo, got on his car and drive off.

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Which “Old Country”? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Where it is cheaper and easier to get someone blown to smithereens than getting a business license.

For all the loonies here, I am glad their worst and most common weapons are still bats and golf clubs.

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That does not narrow it down much :yum:




Don’t pry too much, Shia. Ike is a treasure of Latina-ness, and we wouldn’t want her to feel repressed a la Masala. :slight_smile:


Love Icon but each time I reply to her :thinking: , I may name a South American Country

Will Shia ever solve the riddle? @discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Signs point to yes

Okay, but no outing. That’s against the site’s rules. :zipper_mouth_face:

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Cause you’re not from the states or any baseball country?

I should Quito now? Ecuador?

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