Kamala Harris can be Black and Indian at the same time

You missed the point. The point is that people (racist people that is) don’t treat you based on your genetic makeup, the base it on your skin color. So it doesn’t matter if her dad is technically 99 percent white genetically and grew up in a palace. Racists would see him as a black man, and he would be faced with the same issues any other person seen as a black man, or woman, who appears to be ‘black’ would face.

This is the kind of attitude you see from people disconnected from those who suffer from racism. Billy Bob Redneck (or William Robert, white collar racist) isn’t checking your 23 and me or asking for your childhood address when he looks at your skin and decides it’s discrimination time.

That’s why all of the parsing is ridiculous, and clueless.

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She’s an intersectional wonderland. She’s walking proof that race is bullshit.

Questioning her blackitude is the way to point out the absurdity behind the argument. If they call you on it, just point out who it was brought up the issue of race in the first place.

This is how we deconstruct identity politics.

It’s all blackface.


Great point

Is it…? :roll_eyes:

KH emphasizes her black face not her India face because the black race card is worth more. Obama did the same

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Senator Harris has long identified as both Black and Indian. She recognizes both parents’ heritage as part of her identity and her senate bio reads that she is “the second African-American woman and first South Asian-American senator in history” ( www.harris.senate.gov/about ).

Harris details her mixed-race identity and upbringing in her 2019 memoir “The Truths We Hold” ( here ), describing how she and her younger sister Maya “were raised with a strong awareness of and appreciation for Indian culture,” while her mother also “understood very well that she was raising two black daughters” and “was determined to make sure (they) would grow into confident, proud black women.”

Oh well, another one bites the dust.

Kamala’s “that little girl was me” gotcha moment against Biden in the debate is the perfect example.


I don’t know what this is, elaborate.

I did, further up in the thread.

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gotcha. Not sure what it has to do with anything though.

I have no doubt.

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I admit, it must be difficult to paint someone who recognizes their entire background and self-identifies as “American” into a corner. You think about this stuff a lot…too much I’d argue.

That’s the exact opposite of what she was doing in that gotcha moment in the debate. You’re not paying attention.

Your prioritization and fixation on this stuff is so weird to me, really. For example, it’s obvious part of the reason Harris was chosen was her appeal to AAs. So what? It’s nothing new in politics. What’s the point you’re actually trying to make?

You’re not ‘gotcha-ing’ anyone with this stuff, it’s so pedestrian and boring.

You’re the one who asked for an example. I gave it to you. There’s nothing wrong with pointing out dishonesty from politicians.

Selectively pointing it out, there is. Again, you’d have to be able to acknowledge the contrast in lies between democrats and Republicans, including the contrast in seriousness of those lies.

I was giving you the evidence Trump’s are miles beyond Obama’s yesterday, for example.

Fake news according to you. It’s funny you just finished quoting the NY Times in the antifa thread, I’m pretty sure that was the same source you called fake news about the Trump lies. :rofl: :rofl:

Accurate, unbiased reporting is so rare these days, you take it where you can get it. I was surprised to see quality reporting from the NYT too.

That’s what happens when you actually read it, instead of getting opinions from FB. :wink: I knew you would get there. :heart_eyes:

KH’s candidacy will teach people how to use the race card even better. OJ Simpson was one teacher of the race card. KH will teach more. For examples, I’ve read numerous unverifiable stories from her where she plays up anti-black discrimination against her. It’s as believable as the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh from 35 years ago

If skin color alone were the basis of discrimination then people from India Bangladesh Indonesia Nepal should see more. They don’t. And there are not regular stories in the news of those POC resisting arrest fight with police.

I voted for Obama twice. He dumped his whiteness as soon as he realized he could advance by his black face

If Biden chose black woman Susan Rice, … SR would be a better executive

BLM will unwittingly re-elect Trump has been my prediction