Kaohsiung Pros and Cons

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EDIT: Some context now added. Thank you!


Nice video, centered on Love River-South as it meets the habour. They show off the building with Taiwan flag on it, which I think it’s still vacant and as has been told to me for 20 years. Locals tell me maybe it’s scary inside (something may say boo to you). Love River section in the film, is a very touristy area and most people live in other areas not here. That being said I do there with out of town guests and sometimes late night to ride a bike along the waterfront.

kaohsiung arena its popular too with foreigners

National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts

Because it has a shopping center ? How many foreigners is it popular with? :grin:
Glad to see you are a proud Gaoxionger . GMU, Gaoxiong Medical Uni (KMU) ?

Yes, one of those places visitors visit (tourist and some locals) but I also would not choose to live there with so many other options.

Been here (link) ?/ I wanted try it but never been there so looking for reviews Redirecting...


Consumer Prices in Taipei are 3.68% lower than in Kaohsiung
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Taipei are 8.38% higher than in Kaohsiung
Rent Prices in Taipei are 85.78% higher than in Kaohsiung
Restaurant Prices in Taipei are 11.67% higher than in Kaohsiung
Groceries Prices in Taipei are 8.90% lower than in Kaohsiung
Local Purchasing Power in Taipei is 15.49% higher than in Kaohsiung

Property Prices Comparison Between Kaohsiung and Taipei

Index Info Kaohsiung Taipei
Price to Income Ratio: 16.71 37.07
Mortgage as Percentage of Income: 98.02% 223.08%
Loan Affordability Index: 1.02 0.45
Price to Rent Ratio - City Centre: 71.84 101.04
Price to Rent Ratio - Outside of Centre: 57.83 86.72
Gross Rental Yield (City Centre): 1.39% 0.99%
Gross Rental Yield (Outside of Centre):

That chicken looks dry as hell


Cons: Korean Fish

Pros: Everything else

I wouldn’t mind living in Kaohsiung if there are job opportunities. The city when run properly has lots of parks and natural scenery, not over crowded, views of the ocean and mountains, close to beautiful beaches, has a growing public transportation system, giant malls, great local food scene, Ruifeng is one of my favorite night markets in Taiwan, cheaper rent than up North, not humid all the time.

The real downside aside from Korean Fish is being too sunny and hot and the risk of running out of water during summer.

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Is KHH not humid all the time? Or Taipei?

I live here, and even I wouldn’t say that. Kaohsiung is an okay city, but it’s a lot more mixed than that.

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I live in Hsinchu, and from a city development standpoint, Hsinchu is frakked up.

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Move to Kaohsiung. :wink:

The one thing Kaohsiung lacks is high tech job opportunities. If more companies in Taiwan get on board with the work-from-home model, I definitely would move to Kaohsiung.

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Summer has too much water !!! Like today (raining ). Its winter that’s dry.

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In Southern Taiwan, the Science Park is in Tainan thus there would more tech related jobs in Tainan, also a good city with me going there once a week for work and after work fun (food & drinks).

It’s usually when it doesn’t rain enough before summer time that water shortages occur. Once that happens, during the summer it’s usually flash rains where most of the water have to be allowed to flow down to the ocean, which also brings a lot of deposits rendering the reservoir with less capacity.

The best situation is that it rained enough during the plum rain season, and that will secure enough water in the reservoirs.

For example, this year there’s a water shortage looming. It might be raining in Kaohsiung today, but we are almost dry.

These rains aren’t enough to make up for the current shortage, and the flash rains are already here.

The chance of Kaohsiung ever having locally created well paid jobs are almost zero.
It’s also quite industrial and hot and a bit polluted and also a bit taike so people aren’t ever going to rush to live there, but in Taiwan it’s a decent option I feel (once you have the income ). On the other hand Kaohsiung is probably the best laid out city with the nicest parks and harbour.

For foreigners though …a bit of a challenge unless you are the type who is quite independent .

Yes, looks dry. But different style from the local BBQ so not sure should be like that? Also they say they had homemade hummus which sounded interesting (I normally get the Costco one which while it taste good is made weeks ago?/)

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Haven’t seen much of the center, but Pier 2 and Cijin are great places in Kaohsiung. Weather freaking hot though, much less humid than the neighbor Tainan.

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