Kayleigh McEnany Superthread

Maybe you should do yourself a favor and relax. My comment was clearly light hearted with @DrewC.

Another not so smart thing she didā€¦questioning the faith of churchgoers who are concerned about the safety of returning to church service.

Itā€™s almost June now, election is in Novemberā€¦Iā€™m not saying she doesnā€™t last 5 months, but I wouldnā€™t be shocked if she didnā€™t.

I actually did vote for Trump in 2016. Prior to that I had no particular opinion about him as Iā€™m not from New York and have zero interest in reality TV. It became obvious to me that he had a good chance of winning a few months into election season though, and the prospect of Hillary becoming president was too horrible to contemplate. That was the first time in my life I voted Republican, and until the Democrats regain their sanity it probably wonā€™t be the last.

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what did you fear about that, specifically?

More warsā€¦which Trump, despite all the stupid WWIII rhetoric, has thankfully kept us out of.

Thatā€™s fair.

Has the cost of his bungled domestic leadership been worth all the trouble though? Remember, no worst case scenario with Clinton matches the economic collapse, unemployment, or bungled pandemic response.

Also, he has until november and his ratings are slipping. Donā€™t count out wars just yet. heā€™ll turn to that if he gets desperate enough and heā€™s behind in the elections.

I see no indication that a Democratic president would have handled things better. Remember all the Democrats calling Trumpā€™s China travel ban racist and xenophobic? And look how De Blasio and Cuomo have handled the pandemic in New York. Certainly nothing to be proud of.

More of that WWIII rhetoric. :wink:

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A Dunkin Donuts coffee would have handled things better. As an aside, I have to admit I find Kayleigh attractive in a guilty pleasure sort of way.

Not my type at all, but I appreciate her fearlessness.

I canā€™t recall the last thing Trump blew up. The Iranian guy? That worked. Havenā€™t heard a peep from the Mullahs. And I read recently that Iran and going soft on a US backed Iraqi politician.


Sending positive covid patients to nursing homes was like well, sending positive covid patients to nursing homes. But at least them Dem boys have fun.


I donā€™t think pelosi looks obeseā€¦her only problem is that she doesnā€™t look human.

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Hmm, not so human a gait at times. Arms out from her sides. Pelvis set back and low, torso leaning forward.
A bit chimpy if you ask me.

Itā€™s the girdle.

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The thread started with a hot blondie, and now weā€™ talking about Pelosi.
How low have we fallen.


My opinion on Trump hasnā€™t changed: heā€™s still an odious and incurious person.

However, he has governed far better than I thought he would. I still do not plan on voting for him, but I would gladly accept his victory over Biden, which was not true for me in 2016 wrt to Hillary.


How? The only way this is true is if your expectations were absolutely abysmal. Even then, I would grant him a ā€œslightly better.ā€

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The US economy and rule of law.

He has appointed judges who have actually read the constitution and seem to agree with it, he has not taken the opportunity increase the power of the federal government despite calls from the left and the media to do so, he hasnā€™t gotten us into foreign wars and ended Obamaā€™s war on ISIS, his deregulation and investment in poor communities was at least a small boon to the economy which saw the richest and most prosperous society in history, he hasnā€™t weaponized the federal government to attack political opponents like his predecessor did (and like his 2016 opponent almost certainly would have), he has strengthened due process rights, and he has protected the Jewish community from anti-semitism. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more, but this is off the top of my head.


Taiwan US relations is the best it has been since severing relations with Taiwan by Carter. Trump did the kind of prison reform I voted for Obama for. Also the right to try act for terminally ill patients is a no brainer.

Also this, something Iā€™ve been asking for years. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/trump-administration-takes-historic-steps-lower-us-prescription-drug-prices

I am looking forward to more plans for prison reform helping ex prisoners find work. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/white-house/trump-announces-second-step-act-to-help-ex-prisoners-find-work