Koreans say Taiwan is clean, according to these two sources

This woman explains that it’s because there’s no garbage in the streets.

It’s not clean . Look in the rivers, go to a beach.


Probably expecting Chinese places to be dirty it did not meet their expectations.

But Taipei done a lot last 10 years to clean up. Other cities a little bit and some cities not at all.


Well, this Latino guy from Texas also says Taiwan is cleaner than Korea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIN-mHj_YI8
Lots of garbage everywhere in Korea.

Taipei rivers still stink and the air is bad. But the streets are clean I will say that (except for cigarette butts).

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that’s what she’s talking about.

It also doesn’t smell of shit in the summer anymore.
‘Brownie’ points for that.

When can you start flushing TP?

It’s clean-ish. They just need to go to some parts of Taipei County and you’ll wonder if you’re in Taiwan or Bangladesh.


Whenever I collect toilet-paper type garbage and take it out, I generally try to clean up the garbage that people throw onto our street: cigarette boxes, binlang bags, sealed tall plastic cups that used to hold (or probably still hold) some form of tea, biandang boxes, plastic bags, wadded up kleenex. Once somebody abandoned a car battery. Anyway, more always turns up the day after.

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It’s all relative.

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When I was living in Korea all garbage and recycling were put out on the curb as there was no other place for it.

We had the garbage bags, the plastics bags, the metals bags and the food garbage bags. The latter were the biggest problem as they were full of food and liquid waste. Easily punctured (or chewed open) the food was everywhere.

So unless you lived in a huge apartment complex that had dumpsters, there was garbage outside your house most of the week.

Some places had garbage cans but these were easily filled and then people just stacked shit next to it.

The streets are very clean compared to many other Asian cities but the rivers definitely NOT


If there were just a few more people like you the miscreants would be quickly shamed and the volume of trash would drop dramatically.
We can see that in large areas of Taipei throwing trash on the ground (except cig butts) is a no no, hopefully those areas expand year by year.
There’s going to be a hard core of binlang chewing whisby imbibing cigarette snorting types which could take a generation and higher fatality rate to sort out.

We really really need a campaign against cig butt throwing on the ground and in drains here.


That’s a lot of people whose name begins with “D” in one thread.

Taiwan is cleaner than Vietnam. I’ll give it credit for that.



This French Canadian visitor believes Taiwan is clean.


This Korean dude was here for the elections. Said streets were extremely clean.