Kuan Chang Shot in Linkou

For those of you up on your Taiwanese politics, former United Bamboo member and well known political activist Kuan Chang (館長) was just shot in Linkou.

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Hit that Long Life, stud!

What’s he active about politically?

Mainly the Chinese influence on Taiwan and the encroachment of the mainland on Taiwanese media, but he is also a philanthropist for the under privileged in Taiwan and helping young people to stay out of organized crime.


Yeah, he’s on a lot of night-time TV talk shows.
Well, at least that’s not his last cigarette.

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no idea who that guy is. but bamboo union gang led me to think of the white wolf…

anyways, i think a respectable percentage of politicians here are still connected closely to gangs, triads, underground clans or whatever you want to call it and are therefore in the know of some shady businesses.

if it indeed was a political hit that would really be a sensation in taiwan.

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Not political according to reports. His YouTube channel for those interested

Describing him as a political activist is a bit much. He talks about some political stuff on his livestreams, and he did help organize the anti-red media event, but that’s it. The way you’ve phrased it heavily implies his activism is why he was shot.

He’s mostly known for his gyms, selling his branded products and generally talking shit about everything. The guy who shot him is someone who sexually harassed him at his gym.


Political activist? Are you serious? :roll:

He’s a youtuber. A cringe one on top of it.

After being shot the first thing he did was going on livestream. Enough to show you how idiotic his priorities are. His narcissism is laughable.


The guy who shot him sort of felt Kuan Chang up, and Kuan Chang reacted later on the internet saying it was sexual harassment. The internet then went to work figuring out the identity of that guy and threw plenty of ridiculous his way. That might be why he decided to take it out on Kuan Chang.

Imagine if it was just a plot to get more subscribers.

Well internet celebrity, body builder, gym owner didn’t fit in headline. It was not my intent to say that’s why he was shot.

I would still consider him an activist because he is so vocal against China. Yes he talks alot of shit. He’s an interesting character and Taiwanese media needs more of those. A newsworthy event nonetheless.

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I will never understand how anyone would want to feel him up. I love dilfs as much as the next guy but this guy just repulses me. Like gurl have some standards :sick:.

Lol that would be iconic.


That’s like calling Robert de Niro a political activist solely because he is so vocal against Trump.

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I don’t really care to debate this. But yes many people do consider celebrities activists. They have a platform, they are vocal, and bring visibility to issues. Sorry he bothers you so much.

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He’s not nearly relevant enough to bother me.

I just find the choice of words nonsensical. Right now the topic basically looks like a political dissident has been shot by an assassin as if we were in Russia when the reality is anything but.


Any one of those would have been more accurate than political activist.


That was a big political event and he has ignited political interest in people who wouldn’t usually be so active (namely the less educated and well off)

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He is one of the most influential people in modern Taiwan. He is literally everywhere, there is graffiti everywhere with his logo and I see people wearing his clothing all over the gyms.

Taida professor Puma Chen says that he was the major catalyst for change in political consciousness in Taiwan last year