Large Majority of Americans Want Voter ID Laws

And then you proceeded to answer your own question. :slight_smile:

No, but it happens in a roundabout, sometimes not so much, way a lot of the time.

So you haven’t seen what you claimed to have seen in the booths?


SAT? Maybe 1000 or so.

You can hear it obviously.

Maybe almost or more than half of citizens cannot pass the test?

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That’s why I chose it. A median line seems fair enough.

I know not much is a meritocracy, even science, but we could strive for it.

Fair voting laws guaranteeing citizens the right to vote sounds like a great way to do that.

I hope there’s an age limit on that too. Otherwise you’ll have a fair number of juveniles voting. I know I wouldn’t want me voting when I first scored 1000+ on the SAT.

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How about having AI eventually make the decisions? Someday it will likely be more capable than we. No need for legislatures or voting. :grin:

Good point. People can easily score 1000 without understanding how their society works.

And, after a certain age, they must take the test every year?

So how about only allowing those who attended boys/girls state?

That will really narrow it down.

Why don’t you want as many people voting as possible? It should be compulsory for adults.

Military service should give a vote, imo.

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Because most people are idiots, myself included.

Dictatorship for those people.

So you’re not interested in democracy then. I’ll bow out here.

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Then move to China. 3000 people deciding for you.

Yes, people are idiots, but I ask you. Are 500 members of congress able to understand and have the theory of mind of every type of situation? Do you know what it’s like to be in the shoes of someone in prison? Do you know what it’s like to be Autistic?

This is what you get when you have people deciding for you.


How can one so condescendingly tell another ‘You’re too stupid to know what you want and need.’?

If people can create the shockingly offensive images above to make a claim on intelligence. They are real. They were published. A meritocracy is a myth because no one person can experience the billions of unique experiences and speak for so many people all at once.

If you’re not autistic, you don’t know what autistic people need. Voting lets people like me, verbal or not, to have their say.


Mostly. That’s why the US is a representative democracy. It’s working so far. I doubt if fewer people were doing the voting it would be much different.

They seem to be doing well and are only getting better. Hard to argue with their success.

Technically, wouldn’t it be a democracy if even a slight majority of the population could vote?

What are you talking about? Only 10% more showed up in 2020 than 2016, and look at the difference in outcome. It’s a huge difference. Why do you think Republicans and GOP invest so heavily and spend so much money on election fraud myths and voter suppression? Its the difference between winning or losing an election.

Wow, did you just out yourself as an apologist for the CCP and autocratic regimes? You must be a republican after all!

I’ll let you refer to a basic manual about how the US voting process works to answer that. Google.