Large US Bank Collapses - Are Cash Deposits Safe?

the Euro, pound, and yen will implode before USD does, and… the USD will implode

Dollar value is being intentionally devalued over a long period of time. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. As to why, I don’t know. But what it is doing is that middle classes are being eliminated. Basically the nobles wants to take their absolute power they have had for thousands of years back.

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Yes in 2008 I saw zillions of posts saying the same thing.


Fortunately the problem was papered over so everything is alright now:

Bail out banks to prevent a total collapse, then basically just borrow, borrow, borrow, until everyone’s wealth is a fraction of its value.

The US can get away with that because there’s the entire world’s wealth to steal from.

It looks like we’re headed to a global hyperinflation.

The US national debt is projected to increase by 20 trillion dollars in the next ten years to 52 trillion dollars. Annual interest payments alone on that debt will be 1.4 trillion dollars, all of which will have to be borrowed.

Democrats maintain that that much papering over of structural economic problems won’t be a problem because we can print all the paper we need but after the SVB glitch I’m not so sure.

I’m afraid your estimate is too conservative.

The last time we had a balanced budget was when Clinton was president, and he was a Democrat.

Plan on doubling or tripling that 20 trillion dollar debt figure.

It wasn’t too long ago that US debt surpassed 2 trillion dollars, and that was under Obama, which isn’t that long ago. These things are increasing exponentially.

If they can’t print their way out a war will conveniently start. Gotta let everyone else know who is the boss around town

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What are we going to do without Credit Suisse? We need them to tell us how rich Taiwanese people are.

Nothing to see here, or the latest domino to fall?

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Oh, I thought it was end of bank closures. What is wrong with USA banks that they are shut down and broke?

And who are these peoples om Taiwan?

more maybe