Lefttube / Breadtube General Thread

Hasan is a streamer, not really lefttube, but ya know, this might be interesting to some.

There was an interesting take in here which I wasn’t aware of in some conservative christian ideology. Apparently homosexuals will be accepted into heaven so long as they accept big J, however they will no longer be gay in heaven, essentially “fixed” of their mortal ailment much in the way the devout drunkard will no longer be an alcoholic once he crosses the threshold of heaven.

what is a director’s cut really?

Thank God we have Putin infiltrating from the other side.

Don’t really get into videos because I can get information much faster by reading than by some person droning on. That said, some ideas are better when presented through visuals.

Yeah, that’s okay too. The playback speed can be increased but also some of these people are outright great comedy writers and video editors and I really enjoy their craft. And they cite their sources if you want to skip the video and just take a look at those, usually in the description :+1:

on the colonization of online spaces.

i’m not on twitter and never will be

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uh… ?


another (bit older) one from innuendo studios describing a phenomenon that i see daily on this particular forum. quips and an army of strawmen. i love how this guy breaks down conservative argumentative models in such a clear way.
edit: only 12 mins too, worth watching.

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new short innuendo studios about what a joke neoliberalism is, and that a biden “return to normalcy” is a return to everything sucky thing that got us into this mess.

welcome, abigail thorn.

As a non-Brit I appreciated learning about British criminals and the abolishment of the death penalty.

Ok, I sat through 4 minutes of his “humour” and that was about all I could cope with.

Normal people: “why are you idiots whining about Mr Potato Head being called “Mr”, and cartoonish depictions of Africans in a cartoon book? Don’t you think there are more important things to worry about?”

The Left: “ah! ah! Look at you nutcases getting all bent out of shape about us whining about Mr Potato Head and Dr Seuss! You’re the reason nobody is taking military dictatorships seriously!”

IMO (and @TT has done a few rants on the subject) Democracy is at risk partly because of a failure to teach logic in schools. Logic is not a built-in part of the human psyche. It’s a learned skill, and this video is a shocking demonstration of poor reasoning. The presenter seems to think that heavy sarcasm and obfuscation is an adequate substitute for a reasoned argument.


Beat me by 3 mins.

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i think you’ve got it backwards their, friend. but that would be clear if you let you the video play out. i think you already know this though.

I doubt it. If the guy can’t put his argument together coherently enough not to just annoy people, he’s wasting his time. I tried, really.

If I’ve got it backwards, maybe you can explain why so I don’t have to sit through more of beardy’s clever sarcasm.

what part was incoherent, besides that you disagree with it?