Let's list all the places that won't accept ARC

This website is a great example of why the new ARC numbers will not have any difference to the inability for foreign residents to use websites. The underlying code checks the following:

  • ID number is 10 characters long

  • First digit is A-Z

  • second digit is 1 or 2

  • checksum is valid

      function ValidPid(sender, args) {
          var ChkID = $('#CPH_Content_txtPid').val().toUpperCase();
          if (ChkID.length == 8) {
              if (ChkID.search(/^[0-9]{8}$/) == -1) {
                  args.IsValid = false;
              } else {
                  args.IsValid = true;
          else if (ChkID.length == 10) {
              var city = new Array(
                      1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 39, 73, 82, 2, 11,
                      20, 48, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 21, 3, 12, 30)
              if (ChkID.search(/^[A-Z](1|2)\d{8}$/i) == -1) {
                  args.IsValid = false;
              } else {
                  ChkID = ChkID.split('');//字串分割為陣列(for IE)
                  var total = city[ChkID[0].charCodeAt(0) - 65];
                  for (var intT = 1; intT <= 8; intT++) {
                      total += eval(ChkID[intT]) * (9 - intT);
                  total += eval(ChkID[9]); //最後一碼(檢查碼)
                  args.IsValid = (total % 10 == 0); //檢查比對
          else {
              args.IsValid = false;