Let's list all the places that won't accept ARC

well thats better than social security. herein the usa, if you died your spouse wont get your social security (which you can get after you reach 65, earlier possibly but you get less) until she/he gets to be 65.

Doing some estate planning? :grin:

shes still not going to get your social security until she/he gets to 65.

I will put my name to it…Are you starting one ?

As I mentioned in other thread on this issue, at this stage I’ve submitted the complaint to the customs office.
In theory, they should react within some certain period of time.
Depending on the outcome, if they won’t be willing to fix it, I’m going to submit the discrimination complaint to the relevant government authority, according the above mentioned regulations, you’re welcome to join then.
This is quite bad discrimination in fact.

If you get stonewalled file an administrative appeal. It makes them give you an official answer. If you just send a complaint generally you get a lazy bureaucratic reply.

However my experience has been that any complaints get stonewalled for years as they hope you forget about it or give up. They generally only work if you get a huge crowd to all write in at the same time for the same thing like the ubike issue

Taiwanese government is cooperating with local banks to give out loans up to 100k with interest rate 1.845% for covid-19 relief.
Applicants need to be employed, have no bad credit history and have Taiwan ID’s. ARC/APRC not accepted.

I may be missing something, but where does it say ARC/APRC not accepted?

I got it confirmed by the bank (Chang Hwa Bank - 彰化銀行) this morning. Taiwan ID only.

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The poster says 本國籍.


Nonsense. Where’s the reasoning behind it?
We pay taxes too!

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foreigners should have financial ability to support themselves without government help.

It doesn’t seem fair to expect different things from foreigners and Taiwanese.
In fact, I think foreigners have now difficult to support themselves, as Taiwanese people have local family to help, while foreigners don’t.
But even so, restrictions should be all the same for all residents.


Sounds like complaints are in order again folks

If you don’t agree with this fill out the web form for the financial services commission and tell them we should have equal rights

Until people start doing this we will always be second class residents. I’ve done it and I don’t need the loan, took a few minutes to fill out the form.


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is it unfair? In most cases in many countries, foreigners are given residency because they have enough financial ability, job or money or wealthy enough family to support them.


This loans have low requirements and this program is limited to 500k loans before the money runs out.

By the time the complaint is received this program will certainly end. The only way to get it is if you have a Taiwanese spouse who can apply for it.

Residents are expected to pay same amount of contributions but are always excluded from such schemes.

Either way, they should be notified about this unfair practice. I think there are many residents who are affected by economy slowdown due to covid-19 and don’t have other family support in Taiwan.
Also need to consider how hard it is to get a loan for a resident at all times without jumping through ridiculous hoops.


You are forgetting about those who got married and moved into the country. There’s no financial requirement for them.

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there is.

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Yeah. This is going to be a hard sell. The attitude of governments worldwide is that a foreigner should be contributing and not receiving government welfare/bailouts.

What the issue is, is that foreigners here for 20 odd years with kids and spouses, etc…are practically integrated into the community and should be able to get citizenship just like Taiwanese. The energy should be put into dual citizenship, not into short-term things like this.


I wouldn’t mind not getting Taiwanese citizenship (without renouncing), if they treat APRC holders same as Taiwan nationals (except voting rights).
Only APRC holders because they already committed and contributed to Taiwan for years.