Let's Talk About Food

I agree with this. When they get it wrong it’s terrible. However, the gastronomy is overall outstanding.

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In my opinion, fashion and food are very overrated in France, but France, like Australia, is very good at “branding” itself. The latter in tourism…


Plus the amount of butter they stick in everything- not exactly hard to make things tasty

If anyone manages to finish a dish of andouille à l ancienne I’ll give him a blow job. I know which one will taste worse.

One of the best food cities I ever went to in my life was Damascus in Syria. The heart of the fertile crescent and amazing fresh produce everywhere. One of the most refined food cultures in the world. Impossible to get a bad meal in that city.

Hopefully it will get back to being a safe place for tourists soon.

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I feel like when comparing food scenes in a city/country it’s always more fair to compare mid-/low price restaurants than high-end ones as I feel like the latter is essentially comparing restaurants.

Within the lower price range I generally find restaurants in France really bad. Maybe I just went to the wrong ones.

Outside of Paris the food is generally exceptional.

A vote for Bologna as the city with the best food.

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Or maybe Kyoto

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Probably. I have not been to Lyon and it’s apparently the capital of gastronomy in France. I have been to Brittany and the galette there was great.

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I haven’t been everywhere, but I doubt you’ll ever get much better seafood outside of Brittany.

The best meal I’ve ever had was in the Dordogne. Foie gras over a wild mushroom salad. It was outstanding.

In terms of overall consistency I’d go with Italy as the winner.

I’ve never been there. What makes it so great?


10 countries with the best food in the world

# Country
1 Italy
2 France
3 India
4 Spain
5 Greece
6 Mexico
7 Japan
8 China
9 Lebanon
10 Thailand

Food in Thailand is so good


Every country has great food and every country has shitty food. You can’t say one is better than the other unless you’ve covered every place there is. Personally, I hate the gloppy grey food that people eat here as well as the lunchboxes with oily dead cold vegetables. But I love the pork belly sandwiches, duck rice with bamboo shoots, freshly made dumplings or noodles, 3 cup chicken, etc. You can find examples of good and bad in every country and it really depends on individuals’ tastes. I love curry and hot pot but my husband hates it. I love salads with grilled meat and my friends don’t like them. I’ve tried mian xian and can’t stand them. gluey gloppy and grey. Perhaps we need a best and worst food thread by country with photos for proof?


Greece above Mexico? Hmm…

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Both good

Yeah, but I’d put Greece a bit further down the list.