Let's talk about impeachment

For those who take polls seriously:

The anti-Nixon.

He’s slow, but he gets there:

A quitter, not a fighter:

The fact that it’s even possible to bully him is everything that’s wrong with him.

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I prefer to respect those who serve. Especially those with purple hearts. That’s just me, I like the troops.

Selective respect, where is your respect for Gen Mike Flynn and outrage he was railroaded by the Obama administration and the intelligence community under Obama and trashed by the press. Pure hypocrisy and partisan political posturing.

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I lost it when he lied to the FBI and then became a Qanon disciple.

No record of Vindman lying to FBI or supporting nutty conspiracy theorists. Context is important.

Except he didn’t lie. You not following the recent disclosures? Hypocrisy like I said and blindly following a hypocritical media.

Well he pleaded guilty to it, so yeah he did.

What is pretty astounding to me is someone who would imply a purple heart soldier is a coward while cadet orange bone spurs is on the other end of that equation. Interesting take!

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He withdrew that plea. Is it impossible for you to update your opinion on something when new facts come to light?

It certainly seems so and is why talking to you is pointless. Blindly obvious partisan and hypocritical views.

I also don’t think OJ was innocent, I prefer to use my common sense in these regards.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: From Let’s talk about impeachment

I prefer to respect the competent.

Aside from Lost Cause theorists, nobody celebrates losers.

His only crime was pleading guilty when he wasn’t, and that’s something he deserves to be punished for right there.

Flynn was weak. That’s the bottom line,

Explain the desire to keep Confederate statues up then. :whistle:

Nice selective editing, there.

Boo hoo. Not up to giving an answer?

Describes Trump to a T.

Colin Powell politely tells MSNBC that they (& many others) botched the Russian Bounty story w/ “hysterical” coverage. “Our military commanders did not think that it was as serious a problem as the newspapers were reporting & television was reporting… It got almost hysterical.”

Is Gen. Colin Powell to be respected?

Not his reliability on facts, perhaps you missed his pitch to the UN before the Iraq war?

So, same with Vindman. Selective facts. Gotcha. Too-da-loo.