Let's talk about Trump

I’ll let you have the last word. If you related things to Stormy Daniels I would’ve been more interested! Just kidding. Need to get back to work.


A lasting legacy

and January 6th.


“I look at it this way: The first time, we have an excuse. There were about 100,000 deaths that came from that original surge,” Birx said. “All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially.”

Saw her on the news last night. How, Dr. Birx? How could those deaths been mitigated? That seems to be missing from the interview? I bet it was difficult than work from home and wait for a vaccine. I wonder if all those BLM parades had anything to do anything? hmm…weak ass interview.

Who are you going to listen to, a bunch of scientists who have been studying this all their lives, or a bunch of political appointees who have never cracked a book on the issue? The answer from Trumpies is clear- 450,000 deaths is a small price to pay for the greater glory of Dear Leader Trump.


Seems to me that it was the politicians who didn’t listen, not the people. We don’t get to shut down the bridges in and out of NYC. They told us to go home. We went home. Did they shut down the flights out of NYC? Noop. That’s not on me, or the scientists.

Yeah, no. And jesus christ man, give that shit a rest. I live here and nothing like this goes on in real life. The only people caught up in Trump were the Congressional Dems who mocked and blocked and then when it got really bad, knelt to politics:


INo, they didn’t. And ts amazing that you can pivot ANY issue into whining about BLM.

I’ll go with science over dear leader too, thanks. Good call on that one.

Bullshit. Stop being some ersatz white knight. You own no high ground. You’re just part of the mob.

I live here too! What hasn’t been going on? 450k didn’t die needlessly? making it up now?

Dear leader and his medieval mob still not getting it.

The guys gone already @McNulty, back to playing golf, I have no problem with anyone judging Trump harshly for handling of the virus, but every other country in the world virtually got hit and some worse than the States.

Let’s drop the overused and tired blame every bad thing in the world on Trump without looking at any of it in any context at all.

It’s a pandemic. What did you expect?

I know 8 people thet died. They’re gone too. So fealty to dear leader is very much a thing. Also look around the legacy of stink is alive an well in a lot of other ways. election fraud bs, same media conspiracies etc.

I know they wanna bury this. it looks bad. very bad. maybe desantis can send a thug to the news offices with a Billy club.

Well I went back and read the article, she seems to be saying the first 100k were part of the pandemic but the following 450k lives could have been saved or dramatically reduced, did she say how?

She did not. Or if she did, it went unreported.

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I’m sorry for your loss of dignity. what a way to spend all your political cred. Its natural to make excuses etc I suppose. Not very grown up but hey

I believe its been said a lot of times since it started.

Listening to doctors about masks would have helped a lot! Dear leader tho.

I’m not the one bringing out the dead to prop up my POV.

What cred? What are you on about? Credibility is what one needs when needing to impress the mob. I’ll pass.

Then you are Ric Flair.

What cred is right!

Got things to do today, you keep pushing those other worldly narratives. Dear leader smiles every time you do.

You are posting deranged nonsense, but what’s new?

So people not wearing masks is the reason 450k died who would have otherwise lived and it’s all Trumps fault. last week all rise in racism against Asians was because trump mouthed the words China virus, which everyone said he was being a moron about. But you couldn’t factor in the virus came from China and everyone knew that and their lives had been impacted tremendously. Nope all Trumps fault all of the time, I don’t know if you realize an inability to properly put things into context looks simplistic.