Letterman Over the Line about Palin?

Here’s a video of him talking about it. I think he should have said he was sorry and not made a big deal about it. He wouldn’t have made jokes like that about Chelsea Clinton. I love David, but I think he was over the line on this one.

Sarah Palin…can’t take a joke. :unamused:

You can disagree with her politics, but leave her daughter out of it. Don’t call her slutty looking.

He called Palin slutty-looking.

And Letterman sure told plenty of jokes about Bill Clinton and Monica…you didn’t hear Clinton whining to Letterman about it.

Republicans: you can dish it out but you can’t take it.

[quote=“Chris”]He called Palin slutty-looking.

And Letterman sure told plenty of jokes about Bill Clinton and Monica…you didn’t hear Clinton whining to Letterman about it.

Republicans: you can dish it out but you can’t take it.[/quote]
Yes he called Palin slutty-looking. He said A-rod knocked up Bristol.
He could have just said, “I’m sorry you were offended.” But he wants to make a big production out of it.

And this is what I say to Sarah Palin: :boo-hoo: Grow a thicker skin.

Or maybe say, “You go girl! Don’t take that shit!”

Does that mean its okay to make jokes about the Obama kids too, or would that be over the line?

Yes, I’d have to say that the statutory rape of a 14 year old as a joke crosses the line. Hell will freeze over before Chris does. :unamused:

Right. Do we want to raise the level of discourse, or do we want to wallow in the mud.

Palin decided to be a politician, she’s fair game. Her daughter isn’t, unless she does something stupid.

And what’s with American politicians naming their daughters after places in England? Chelsea Clinton… Bristol Palin… Birmingham Obama…

thank god for Letterman, this was just pure genius,

to hell with the sanitized PC crap! :bravo: :bravo:

Who is 14 years old, Okami?

Does that mean its okay to make jokes about the Obama kids too, or would that be over the line?[/quote]

  1. Palin’s not the president.
  2. Obama’s kids are under 18, unlike Bristol Palin who turned 18 last October.

But this didn’t stop the Republicans from making jokes about Chelsea Clinton during the Clinton Administration.

Who is 14 years old, Okami?[/quote]
Palin’s daughter, the one who went to the ball game?
Good on you Doc for recognizing that Letterman did cross the line.

Didn’t seem all that bad to me. Letterman’s been around for what, 80 years? It’s his job to tell jokes, make people laugh. How many jokes has he told over the years, a million or two? Are the best jokes safe, modest, prudish ones? Not usually. More likely they’re a little risque, over the line, taking a chance. Hell, check out a few other letterman videos on youtube, as I did just now, and you’ll see that the Palin jokes weren’t all that extreme or unusual. I don’t know if he joked about the 14 year old or hte 18 year old, but I believe him that he thought the joke was about the 18 year old. It was about someone getting knocked up by ARod. It’s the 18 year old who got knocked up in real life. Woopdedoo. It’s just a joke, that’s what he does. Lets see you tell a million jokes and get good laughs and high ratings consistently without pissing off any prudish christian losers (such as Palin). Besides, Sarah and her hubby weren’t REALLY pissed off; they’re only trying to remain in the spotlight and portray themselves as good wholesome americans to prepare for hte next erection…I mean election. Oops, was that joke over the line?

Who is 14 years old, Okami?[/quote]
Palin’s daughter, the one who went to the ball game?
Good on you Doc for recognizing that Letterman did cross the line.[/quote]
Bristol is 18. Who in real life was knocked up at 17, unmarried, a member of a conservative, religious, “family values” household (all as the GOP turn a blind eye to the situation, whereas if it were a lib/Dem family they would have been on the warpath).

Wow…it’s OK to tell joke after joke about Democrats (remember the endless Clinton BJ jokes a decade ago?), but make one joke about a Republican and it’s Waaaaaaaaahhhh!

Crybabies. :raspberry:

I agree that Letterman was over the line with jokes about the girls–even the 18 year old, really, because she’s only a target because she’s her mother’s daughter, even if she is an “adult.”

The clip provided by the op shows Letterman explaining that his jokes about the daughters didn’t cross any sex/pervert lines. I think the jokes cross the lines simply because they target these girls and not just Governer Palin. Yes, I know it was Palin’s choice to become a public figure, but it’s got to be hard enough for the kids to see and hear their mother/father ripped appart.

I’m not making the case that Governer and Mr. Palin should be spared because of their kids, but I’m saying that the kids already have enough crap to deal with and people like Letterman who make their living off of crafting this kind of humor should be adult enough, and good enough at their jobs, to leave the kids out of it.

Clinton deserved all the bj jokes he got.

Wow, that’s pretty sexist and sleazy. Guess you guys will be waiting a long time for a female president.