Letterman Over the Line about Palin?

Problem here is that Letterman thought Palin’s daughter at the game was Bristol at the time he made the joke. But as we know now, it was the 14 year old.

He wasn’t aware it was the 14 year old. But Palin was on the Today show today, spouting off some more kooky crap. You know, it’s hard to take her serious when something like this gets elevated to the same level of North Korea-US nuclear talks in the press.

Uhhh…Nama…I think the gov’t controlled media is the one responsible for hyping this perverts crap to said levels.

Letterman hasn’t been funny since 1983…he just a sick wacko now…disgusting remark and he deserves severe censor for it.

They’re all a bunch of perverts, across the board, from Letterman, Leno and that nasty little irish guy on latenight to Oprah and Cosbie and the others. Heck, a couple of years ago they even had that Janine Jackson girl showing her tits in the middle of the Superbowl, not to mention her brother, raping god knows how many small boys. Of course, it all started with that communist Clinton, having sex with his intern in his office. I say bring back good wholesome family shows like The Waltons, Donny & Marie and Lassie. When I was a kid you could sit in front of the boob tube all day and night without fear of hearing a 4 letter word or the prattle of rapists and perverts. :grandpa:

I feel sorry for Bristol. She has a child and is now the spokesperson for abstinence…at 18. So sure she got forced into doing that. And poor baby…knowing mom regrets having you so much…ayooo.

Stewart on the Daily Show has been able to, but I bet his team has had to try a lot harder. Shots at trash like Palin and Shrub are just SOOOOO much easier. And funnier.

Considering the MSM is fairly conservative, it makes me wonder what would receive your approval.

Those aren’t “good wholesome family shows”! Psst. The only one was “All in the Family”.

(dripping with sarcasm)

Puleeeessss-- It sucks to be dumped in the public eye, especially by your baby daddy but she’s making pretty off it…Compared to other 18 yro single moms out there.

She called him Tripp.

That’s a right grand name, that is.


gotta be a good joke or two in there somewhere.

[quote=“urodacus”]She called him Tripp.

That’s a right grand name, that is.


gotta be a good joke or two in there somewhere.[/quote]

Cause it was trip to be his daddy. Baddy Boom. Thank you folks. Now our next guest is…

By “poor baby” you’re talking about Bristol, right?

Bristol is 18.

Yes, the joke was bad.

But Palin is overreacting in a major way, making her look like a major whiner.


Until Sarah Palin made her part of the campaign, a la family values/anti-abortion, etc. Sorry Sarah, but you started it. You opened the door.

That being said, the joke was in poor taste, but I feel Sarah is milking it, once again using her family to her advantage while saying they are off limits to criticism. :loco:

You bet she is. She’s milking it for all it’s worth. . . and then some, portraying herself as the mature, responsible voice of reason and defender of women, preparing for future elections.

Was Letterman really worse than all of these?

[quote]Jay Leno: “Gov. Palin announced that her 17-year-old daughter was five months pregnant. O-ho, you thought John Edwards was in trouble before.”

Conan O’Brien: “Palin has revealed that her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant. Palin said, ‘We should never have introduced her to John Edwards’.”

Bill Maher: “. . . did you see what Sarah Palin said yesterday? She made a speech in Alaska and she said that the money the federal government is sending to states to help bail out, well that’s not good, because that’s the federal government getting in there and trying to ‘control people.’ Yes that’s right, Sarah, it’s all about the Federal Reserve making your daughter use a condom.”

Letterman: “Bristol Palin and Levi Johnson have broken up. That’s right. That’s right. And apparently it was not that big a surprise. Even the Russians saw it coming.”

Leno: You know who is really, really happy that John McCain did not win last night? The boyfriend of Sarah Palin’s daughter. He doesn’t have to get married now. ‘Whew, thank God!’"

Conan O’Brien: “Sarah Palin is going to drop the first puck at the Philadelphia Flyers’ hockey game. Then Palin will spend the rest of the game trying to keep the hockey players out of her daughter’s penalty box.”

Conan O’Brien: “The Republican Convention is under way. The theme for tonight’s Republican Convention is, ‘Who is John McCain?’ Tomorrow night’s theme is, ‘Who forgot to check if the Vice President’s daughter is pregnant?’”

Letterman: “Here’s good news, ladies and gentlemen. The Palin family crisis that we were talking about . . . has been solved now . . . the baby is being adopted by Angelina Jolie.”

Conan O’Brien: “Experts say – this is interesting – that since Sarah Palin became the vice presidential nominee, there’s been an actual spike in the sales of her style of eyeglasses. Gone way up. Yeah. Yeah, with Palin’s glasses, you’ll be able to see everything, except what the hell your teenage daughter’s up to.”

Jimmy Kimmel: “It was an unplanned pregnancy, but the Palins say their daughter will marry the young man. He’s a fellow high school student of hers. His name is Levi Johnston. They even found his MySpace page, which they pulled down immediately, but before they did we found out that he’s a ‘f***ing redneck,’ is what he said, and another quote from him, ‘I don’t want kids.’ Remember when the Republicans compared Barack Obama to Britney Spears? Now they’ve got their their own Jamie Lynn.” [/quote]

Ho hum. And Palin accuses Letterman of telling the joke because “it must have been a slow news day”. What about her rehashing it a dozen times on national TV and pretending it was a big deal?

We came real close to having that woman as the Vice President of the USA and actually President if McCAin doesnt last his full term. Whew.

You mean John McCain is pregnant too?

Didn’t you vote for McCain/Palin, tommy525?

Maybe it was a mistake as it was the 14-year old that went to the ballgame but she was not the one that got knocked up. So how can you be so sure he was joking about the 14 year old?

Anyway, I also think the family should be off-limits unless they are themselves politically active, under-age kids in any case. And Sarah Palin is a moron.

I agree but Sarah Palin paraded her obviously pregnant daughter out on stage while banging on about family values. She made her daughter a prop and I see a lot of joking about her pregnancy that also involves John Edwards and other Democrats. The jokes were evenly targeted at both. Anyway, after Tina Fey’s portrayal of her, how could anyone seriously consider voting for her. She chose to do all the winking to the audience. She deserved to lose.

Exactly. Let’s even overlook the hypocrisy of preaching abstinence when you have an underage pregnant daughter, and parading her and her then fiance as an example to live up to. Bottom line, Sarah Palin put her kids out there in the public eye, then bitches about how the public comments about it.

Sorry Sarah, YOU did this.