List of Laws

Dependents of foreign professionals on ARC/APRC

Qualifications and Criteria Standards for foreigners undertaking the jobs specified under Article 46.1.1 to 46.1.6 of the Employment Service Act

Article 37-1 : Spouses of foreign professionals can get work permit for part time specialized and technical work.

Regulations Governing Visiting, Residency, and Permanent Residency of Aliens

Article 8 : Adult children of foreign professionals can get 3 year extension of ARC if they meet certain criteria.

Article 15 : dependents of foreigners who get APRC through investment can get APRC.

Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals

Article 17 : Adult children of foreign professionals on APRC can get open work permit if they meet certain criteria.

Article 16 : Dependents of foreign professionals on APRC can get APRC with 5 years of residency, after the professionals get APRC.

Article 15 : Dependents of foreign senior professionals can get APRC at the same time with the professionals.

Employment Service Act

Article 51
4. One permitted to stay permanently in the territory of the Republic of China.

Foreigners on APRC can get open work permit. Iiuc, people on dependent APRC are included.

6 month extension

Article 22 of Regulations Governing Visiting, Residency, and Permanent Residency of Aliens

Dependents of foreign special professionals can apply.
Does this mean dependents of foreign professionals cannot apply? Can they apply by the special approval?

Chinese version and English version say the same thing?

第 22 條
外國人來臺投資,或依就業服務法第四十六條第一項第一款至第七款、第四十八條第一項第一款、第三款或外國專業人才延攬及僱用法第五條第一項但書、第六條第一項應聘來臺,或經外交部專案核准居留,於居留效期屆滿前,本人 及其原經核准居留之配偶、未成年子女及滿二十歲以上,因身心障礙無法自理生活之子女 ,得以書面敘明理由,向移民署申請延期,經許可者,其外僑居留證之有效期間,自原居留效期屆滿之翌日起延期六個月;延期屆滿前,有必要者,得再申請延長一次,總延長居留期間最長為一年。

New Economic Immigration Bill