Liu Yifei comes a Hong Kong Police Supporter

Pretty much. Bear in mind any large protest movement is likely to come up against similar. (Not justifying it by the way)

Not in France they weren’t . I mean the yellow vests were violently repressed and also very violent at times , but they were listened to and not censored.

Wait, I thought you knew the mainlanders very well. Then why are you saying that they want to take the freedoms of another country away from them? Do they think that Hong Kong is another country? I wonder how many non-Chinese agree with them that Hong Kong isn’t a country? I suspect it’s something like every government in the world and virtually everyone else too?

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France has a longer track record of turning this kind of thing into productive change.

because i find their way of thinking to be inhumane and sick, doesn’t matter if i know WHY they think that way, i still have a problem with it. if you think its fine and dandy then good for you mate but i would find it disturbing if my wife for example thought this way.

I think they limited Shenzhen to only 1 time a week now. And other places I think only 1-2 times a year with a visa. Not everyone gets to go.

It’s not complicated. The government pushes a certain line about foreigners, messy democracy, violence, anti Chinese sentiment (flag in the harbour) and censors everything else. Chinese love feeling they are the ones being hard done by, they eat that shit up.


The funny thing is, there are a lot of people who would rather push others down than prop themselves up.

Yeah. That’s the line I get when I have that conversation. Messy democracy and how bad other countries are and undermine China when I brin up something the CCP does.

It’s crazy that one party can have so much power over 1.2 billion people, an ancient civilisation reduced to a giant ball of nothing individual.

The way of thinking is not inhumane or sick because the way of thinking is based on a different set of underlying facts and experiences than you. The end result may be inhumane and sick actions being sanctioned, but that is a completely different ball of wax. I don’t believe they are right because I see the facts very differently than them, and I have a different set of values as them. Your willingness to use such charged language against such a huge number of people is disturbing.


Maybe one could compare it to the experience of American soldiers going into Vietnam in the 1960s. They initially genuinely believed thst they were on the side of right and that blowing up all those Asian peasants and burning their villages was the right thing to do for freedom and democracy for all. Different set of values and limited world view.


not quite mate not quite. the vast majority of chinese choose to keep their head in the sand even when presented with the truth. even the ones who have studied and lived overseas. as i said, people i know who have lived in the west for 10 plus years are even against hk on this one. they are not interested in changing their opinion. that shows a lack of morals.

and i think you are giving chinese people less credit than they deserve. the first time i ever heard about tiananmen square and even taiwan was from my old chinese work mates. they are not all stupid farmers as you think.

There are also countless examples in recent years of the hypocrisy of mainlanders. they are not stupid.


In some ways they are for allowing the peasant party to rule them all with an iron fist and they do nothing about it.

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Passively agreeing with a government action is not the same as actively engaging in immoral activities.

Its open access if arriving from outside China, unlimited visits and 7 days each time. Individual travel depends on Hukou location with Shenzhen getting the most, others yea I think 2 or three times a year individually and unlimited if you go to an agent and travel as a ‘tour group’ but the Hong Kong tour groups disband after they go through the border.

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That isn’t my experience, but if you want to make that argument, do it. Don’t paint with such a wide brush.

You can knock this off right now. I didn’t say that, I don’t believe it, and it’s disgusting for you to attribute that belief to me.

So you can bring this up in a thread of the inherent hypocrisy of mainlanders. Stay on topic, please.

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In the current news in China the line about foreigners is that foreigners are highly inconvenienced by these uppity protesters, and the foreigners think that the protesters are not justified. You can see that angle in the clip I posted too.

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it is entirely on topic. it shows that chinese are not the naive fools you seem to think they are. they are playing the world right now, particularly in relation to taiwan. not that i need to tell people that on a forum about taiwan but hey.

i’m not painting with a wide brush, i’m talking with experience. and my experience is that the vast majority of chinese prefer to keep their head in the sand. again, i can see why but it doesn’t change it.

listen mate, ‘they have a different perspective’ is not a good argument. not when people on the other side of it are getting harmed.

well exactly, that shows their hypocrisy. last week they were saying the protests were caused by meddling foreigners, now they have switched it around and are actually asking foreigners to help out.