Liver+kidneys+colon cleansing/detoxing - your suggestions?

You’re going to have to go to several of them to see if they have any, and if it’s expired yet or not. I’ve found it before, but sometimes they have things and sometimes they don’t. You’ll just have to look around. I beileve there are two or three stores in Tiemu selling western products.

The grocery store in the bottom o the Far Eastern hotel also has it.
Jason’s has some.
As for chain grocery stores, I know I am going to botch the romanization on this one, but it’s Chung Ching Chow Sz. It’s a green, orange and white billboard. I think these are mainly in Taipei County. Just check the labels carefully. I don’t think I have ever seen it in Wellcome either.

You’re best bet would be to try in Tiemu first as it should be cheaper, about 500-600 a liter.

If you decide to do the cleanse let me know how it turns out. It may take you awhile after the cleanse to feel normal again, everyone is different. If you choose not to drink the sea salt as described in the website, you can eat sea weed during the cleanse to get some salt. Do not use iodized salt for the salt water flush.

Good luck.

So you mean the western stores like Carrefour or Wellman’s or do you mean more localized stores in Tianmu?

Yes, I am seriously thinking about doing the clease. I do need one and it seems pretty easy to do.

I checked yesterday for seasalt at Breeze and found several varieties varying from pinkish color (from Andes) to white (New Zealand). I also went to the guy I buy rock salt from here in Taiwan and he said that it is seasalt. He was pretty surprised when I asked if I could drink it as most Taiwanese use it for bathing. He said in small quantities it is drinkable but too much is bad for health. I am not sure if he really knew what he was talking about. The name and telephone number of the company is on the bag, so I will have to call them to see if I can find out more info about the source of the salt. It looks very much like the salt that I saw at Breeze.

What kind of sea weed can be substituted for the seasalt? Spiralina?

understood! no idiodized salt!

I am not sure if Carrefour would have that, but you can try Wellman’s. You’re going to have to look around and it depends on how much money you want to spend.

The first two days of the cleanse are the toughest. After the first few days your craving for food should go away and it is more mental than anything else.

You have to be careful with the sea salts, some even though say can be used for cooking, may not really be safe. It depends on how they harvest the salt. I am a little concerned about this, though I may be reading too much. If you are nervous take the sea weed, but only after you have finished the cleanse. No food may be eaten during the cleanse. I didn’t do anything with salt until the 13th day, at that time I ate some sea weed. Make sure the seaweed doesn’t have all kinds of crap in it though, you don’t want to start putting garbage back into your body the first day you are finished with the cleanse. I found one that used a shrimp sauce, which cannot be used as it’s a form of meat. I am not sure about Spiralina, never heard of it, so long as it is pretty natural you should be ok. Some of the brands recommended, which I have never seen in Taiwan are Kombu, Walkami, Dolph, not sure of the spelling of these, I believe they are all from Japan and sold in the US. Seaweed in Taiwan seems to be filled with all kinds of garbage to give it more taste, which is just the way the Taiwanese like it, but not suitable for this cleanse. The one I bought is from Y@C International Corp. seems to be ok, but you may be able to find something better.

Would you mind posting the information and address of the guy or the distributor that sells the rock salt? I am also interested to find out more. I found my sea salt under the Far Eastern Hotel, but am still checking how it was harvested. Iodized salt can be used in the vegetable soup you make the 12th night for dinner, but only a little.

Post edited on January 12, 2006

The name on the outside bag is:

Taiwan Salt Industrial Corporation
Jian Kang ( as in “health”) Lu, Section 1, No 297

Telephone (06) 2150551-9

I buy it from a little vegetable and fruit store.

I have been on a number of fasts and cleanses before and know how tough the first two or three days can be, then it is clear sailing until the next major push out of toxins. It has been a while and know I need it.

Spiralina is also a kind of seaweed, spiral in shape. It is high in protein and tastes like seaweed. The source I use is from a plateau of Xijiang, PRC. It can be found in small pellets, powder, tablet or capsule form. It is ridiculously expensive here. I have seen it in Watsons and Jian Er Mei (the yellow and red one which are often located near 7-11s)

Taiwan also has some seaweed that does not have the flavorings or additives. One that I have seen comes in a large round disc. I am sure that Di Hua Jie would have some varieties also.

Hmmm, I am not sure about the Spiralina, I can’t remember if that brand was mentioned. If you can find the others you mentioned above you should probably use those instead.

Where is Di Hua Jie? or where can we find the more natural seaweeds?

This cleanse is going to do more than flush out your liver, kidneys and colon, actually you may need more than 10 days for those. It will take five days just to clean out the food you have eaten over the last few years, the next five days the cleanse will do other things like cleaning out your joints, organs, etc. I know 10 days didn’t do enough for me, I will be doing it again hopefully in the summer.

If you are not elminating enough you will not feel very good, headaches, dizizzness, etc are very common especially if you are not going enough. You probably already know this. The lemon is a great cleanser so when you drink it you are releasing all kinds of poisons and toxins into the blood stream, if you cannot eliminate them from the body you will feel sick.

One other benefit of this is that you will sleep like a baby. 9 out of 10 days I didn’t wake up once during the night, it was wonderful!

Gidday. The above info from JeffG sounds good (I might try that sometime). Thanks.

I know someone who went to Thailand to ‘The Spa’ and did a full 7day colon cleanse. It wasn’t too expensive, and he had good results…gained energy, lost fat, lost lots of black rubbery stuff.

I can ask him for details (costs, location, etc) if you PM me.

Good luck![/quote]

I had a friend who went on that in Feb this year. She was excited about it but when she came back, she told me it was useless and nothing changed. She also said the doctors weren’t up to her standards. So, basically, it was useless and a waste of time for her.

Spirulina is not a brand but an algae. It gets its name because of its spiral shape. Many natural supplement companies offer it as one of their products.

Here is some info on spirulina (spiralina)

Google it and you’ll also come up with more info

Di Hua Jie is a large traditional market area located to the North of Nanjing West Road and just south of Minsheng West Road. Bus 518 goes near by and you walk about 10 minutes to the west. You can’t miss it because there are lots of small chinese medicine stores. There are a lot of bulk teas and chinese herbs displayed outside the shops. Just go walking along the street. I have seen lots of dry seaweed on display there. One of the medicine shops could also tell you where to go.

I have done 10 and 14 days in the past. I recall how good it felt after I got through the hump days.

Also realize the importance of proper elimination. Gotta get it out otherwise it just keeps circulating inside with unpleasant results.

I found about four different kinds of seaweed at the RT Mart. Price range was about 70NT for a 150 gong ke bag. This was in a pressed circular block of seaweed. The other three kinds were “dried deep sea seaweed.” One said organic and the contents of all was listed as just seaweed.

Also at RT Mart was red (cayenne) pepper in a bag of flakes or finely ground. If I remember correctly, the price was about 25NT for a bulk package.

I bought some seaweed from Di Hua Jie a couple of years ago and found a lot of mold on it. Now I only buy seaweed from organic stores. You want to make sure that the seaweed was grown in unpolluted waters…many of the commercial brands are not.

If you’re fasting (or not), you might want to try taking a seaweed bath. I do this quite often. It’s relaxing and cleansing…

About spirulina, the organic chain store called Cotton Fields Teaching Organism sells some organic spirulina that is harvested in California. It’s a little pricey, about 700/bottle…but you get a discount if you buy three. If you start taking spirulina, start with a little bit and work your way up to the recommended dose. It’s a food supplement and not a vitamin, so you can’t take too much, but it may bother your stomach in the beginning if you’re not used to it. Spirulina is a super food, packed with vitamins and minerals. I also take chorella, a cheaper super food as it’s grown in Taiwan. I buy the stuff called “Green Gem” from Cosmed. It’s about 300NT for a bottle.

I checked the basement of Far Eastern today and they do not have Grade B or C Maple syrup on the shelf. Did you special order it or was it in stock?

Circle: Spirulina is ridiculously expensive here. I have bought it in bulk powder at a fraction of the price. The distributor I buy it from sells to companies in US who label it for the US market.

I have never heard of anyone having stomach problems with it. It is easily digestible. As is a high protein, it is strongly recommended for vegetarians. I mix the powder with tomato juice or some other vegetable juice with a tomato juice base.

It was in stock. It’s on that back wall on the top shelf. This Far Eastern is in the basement of the Far Eastern Hotel. I highly recommend not using Spirulina for this cleanse, it just doesn’t seem right, it does not come from the sea, you need real seaweed because it contains sea salts.

That’s exactly where I was looking. Only found about 4 different brands of maple syrup, two said grade A and the other two did not say anything.

I have placed a special order for it and should know in a few days.

I was not thinking of using the spirulina for the cleanse because I take that regularly for protein.

Have you found any information about the processing of the salt from Taiwan Salt?

Basically one manufacturer in Taiwan said don’t drink it because the water around Taiwan is not clean. Go figure. As for the sea salt I bought from Japan, I am still waiting for a response from them as to the process. As soon as I find out I will let you know which brand is ok, if any.

Where did you buy it in bulk powder? I agree, it’s insanely expensive otherwise!

Whenever I buy spirulina, the person in the shop (whether here or at home) tells me to start slow (ie. at less than the dose recommended on the bottle). It may be easily digestible for people who are used to eating healthily or used to drinking green drinks, but some people don’t like it. It’s never bothered my stomach, but certain “green” products (like the “Greens” mixes found at organic stores at home) do bother my stomach. I think it just depends on your body…

The person I buy it from is a friend who sells it both in Taiwan and overseas. If you are interested PM.

It does take a little while to get used to it. So perhaps starting off in small quantities in that way may also be helpful. Since I started mixing it with tomato juice (Ai jr Wei brand in plastic bottles at almost any convenience store) and water it is much more palatable.

I am not sure what you mean by the “Green mixes”. If you keep a pretty healthy diet, then maybe there is some other kind of imbalance relating to your stomach. Have you checked with chinese medicine doctor?

I am not sure what you mean by the “Green mixes”. If you keep a pretty healthy diet, then maybe there is some other kind of imbalance relating to your stomach. Have you checked with Chinese medicine doctor?[/quote]

hi, snowdragon. Thanks for the concern! But, actually, I think you misunderstand what I’m saying. I’m fine with spirulina, I’ve been taking it every day now for about 2 years. The “Green” mixes I’m referring to are something like this: … /SEOPROGRN
I didn’t take this particular brand, but something like it. Basically the Green mixes are packed with powdered spirulina, chlorella, and tons af fruits and vegetables. They’re are slightly similar. I have a cousin who takes this stuff everyday and feels fine. My mom and I both tried it for about a month and even though we started off slow (a tsp a day building up to a large scoop a day), we both found that it bothered our stomachs. Don’t want to get into the details, but it didn’t suit. I don’t know, maybe we’re sensitive. I really do believe that not every product/supplement is for everyone and every body reacts to these things in a different way. I have another relative to tends to buy new popular supplements and goes overboard with them. He bought the Greens powder and started at full scoop. After a couple of days, he had so much energy and a bad case of diarrhea! I guess I’m trying to advise anyone who wants to start taking spirulina to start slowly, see how your stomach reacts and gradually increase to the recommended dose. But, if you talk to the people in the health food store when you buy it, they’ll most likely recommend that anyway.

Jeff G wrote: As for chain grocery stores, I know I am going to botch the romanization on this one, but it’s Chongqing Chow Sz. It’s a green, orange and white billboard. I think these are mainly in Taipei County.

I am still trying to locate the maple syrup. where is this chongqing Chow Sz?

According to this article:

detoxing is nonsens

Does anybody know where I can find a Clinic to do detox and cleansing in Taiwan?
Please let me know.

[quote=“baco”]Does anybody know where I can find a Clinic to do detox and cleansing in Taiwan?
Please let me know.
Baco[/quote] Add to that some decent maple syurp to do the Master Cleanser. All I’ve found is 16oz bottles for 390nt :astonished: