Making intentions clear to Taiwanese/Chinese girls

At least would make for more interesting conversation than celebrity gossip.


Yeah, nothing wrong with reading Chomsky. His work on how the media uses language to manipulate people should be read and understood by everyone. If she’s intelligent enough to read and understand his theories on language more generally, then she’s a keeper!

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Nothing wrong with reading but believing? Dude defended Pol Pot and Mao.

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I don’t do this anymore, but I read and watched Chomsky a lot when I was younger and more left wing. He was one of my heroes, both for his work in politics and linguistics (I studied linguistics at university), although I no longer support that political ideology (and even in linguistics, I think he laid a lot of good groundwork, but I don’t take a lot of it seriously anymore because the field has moved on).

I’m not saying that you can’t dig out some old thing he said defending those two people (a lot of left-wingers defended Mao back then, though it was right-wingers like Thatcher who were more inclined to defend Pol Pot), but in the hours of Chomsky I read and watched, I never saw him do that. Again, I’m not saying he didn’t do that, but I don’t care if he did because he clearly hasn’t done it for a very long time. He certainly didn’t do it when I was a fan.

But, anyway, this is beside the point. I was specifically defending his work on exposing how the mass media manipulates people using language. All of that is more relevant than ever. And, yes, nothing wrong with believing it. In fact, you should believe it.


Despite my reputation on here as some sort of neo-Nazi, I also read Chomsky and respected his intellectual achievements, and his work on the manipulation of consent via the media was extremely important. Funnily enough, Jordan Peterson’s “Maps of Meaning” book overlaps to some extent with what Chomsky wrote; science doesn’t have political boundaries (and in any case I wouldn’t characterize JP as even within shouting distance of “far right”, despite that tag being commonly applied).

It was sad to see Chomsky manipulated in his dotage by the media he excoriated.


Interestingly, so did the right wing dude in the US at that time, especially after the Vietnamese communists installed their guy in Phnom Penh. The US kept pushing that the Khmer Rouge should be the representatives at the United Nations . . .


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“I like the proximity of your company, and your appearance is adequate”

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Words that seem some lost in translation to me, if said to me. I would be looking at him seeing other non verbal messages.

Not if you’re an “alpha male”.

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This is not a joke but in our 20’s, one of our friends went up to a girl that we all admired over and said to her “I want to f*** u in the bu*t” and he actually went on dating her later.


He’s a man that knows what he likes. Attractive.


It all boils down to going over and say hi


And some physical attraction on her part.
Imagine, some ugly slug (in her eyes) went up to her and said that.

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Chinese young peoples entire life is in a book, so to speak. They date late and lose virginity late. A fraction get to 25 and still virgins. So many Chinese women are leftovers at 30 partly because they didn’t even start dating until 22. In the US, however, a pretty girl might start dating at 13-14. The American guys will be in rabid hot pursuit unlike passive Chinese guys

Chinese are further inscrutable so they can keep their options open.

So you are left to read the tea leaves

Be up front and personal and crystal clear. Otherwise you’re wasting your time

If you do get a Chinese girl, expect to have to break her in. She’s likely never done this and never done that, doesn’t know certain cues, …,


Man how many ugly slugs have beautiful girlfriends ?

Quite a few

If you be ugly slug you better work on some other form of attraction

Like having wit or a personality or at least a hella money

Yup but be prepared to be surprised

Some young virgin I went out with turned
Out to be married and have two kids already
I found this out while we were both horizontal


All that extensive experience was wasted on @tommy525 so it seems… :sweat_smile:

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Still scored though but I kept my distance after
Didn’t want to get further involved

I was kinda mean to her after
Felt bad I was mean

But I didn’t want to get stabbed by jealous husbands

The more mature tommy today would have asked her to clarify her situ maybe she was separated and needed a friend. Should not have dumped her like yesterdays news

Live and learn


I think this is why the best comedians are always men

This is why we need a mens forum. This one post.